天花板做Plaster 如何防止出现裂纹?

请问天花板做Plaster 如何防止出现裂纹?



看到这个PlasterBoard是240 ×120的尺寸,请问这个板子在天花板拼接的时候,这个板和板之间的接缝能否处理的看不出来呢?

有专门的接缝的东西,是不是能够处理好还是得看师傅的技术。我只是看过师傅们干活,具体如何干我不知道。 {:5_137:}

没法做到防止,因为热胀冷缩,一年四季天气变化都会对其有所影响,但求多福,找个靠谱的plaster man, 我们家的就totally fxked {:5_145:}

You need to put filler 1 or 2 more times before the second or third coat

It is not the big problem ,because you need to do the work nicely step by step

How to cut and put the plasterboard ,then screw , put the plasterboard tapes then need to carefully mix the multi finish then plaster the wall and ceiling 2 times

In is about the whole process ,not only one step

家里天花板上现有4个Down light 的灯,做的时候需要在plaster board上打孔。
Currently, there are 4 down light installed on the ceiling, so when I install the plast board, I also need to make 4 holes for these 4 down lights.