请教:Tier1 General 什么时候可以申请延签

Tier1 General 3+2请问什么时候可以申请最后两年?网站上说最少提前一个月,但没说可提前多久,提前半年行不?

如果提前申请延签,previous earning要求是按照签证到期日往前12个月还是申请日往前12个月?


1、提前半年是可以的,不过可能有的Case Worker没见过这种情况,影响处理速度

We encourage you to make your application at least 1 month before your current permission to stay expires. However, if you apply significantly more than 1 month before your permission to stay expires, and you want to apply for settlement later, you may not have accumulated enough total permission to stay. This is because your new permission to stay will begin on the date when we make the decision, not the date when your current permission expires.

Earnings must be made up of 12 consecutive months and must normally fall within the 15 months before your application

why do you want to apply so early?


previous earning can come from multiple sources so can work multiple jobs to make it up hehe


Earnings must be made up of 12 consecutive months

doesn’t say you have to be working all 12 months just that you have to use can only use a period of 12 consecutive months to make up the earning. if you can earn that in one month then that month would do haha

have a go at the calculator provided by ukba and you’ll know if you got enough points
