移民政策再变!T1 Entrepreneur 语言C1降至B1!

近日,UKBA颁布了对对各项移民法的修改, 预计新的政策将于2012年12月13日实施,受影响的包括:

Tier 1 - entrepreneurs and investors.
Tier 2 - skilled workers, including changes for senior intra-company transfers.
Tier 4 - students, including extending the interim limit.
Tier 5 - temporary workers including the requirements for the government authorised exchange category and private servants in a diplomatic household.
Sponsorship - revised sponsorship guidance will be published in December.

其中,最近很受关注的Tier 1 Entrepreneur 签证的语言要求也将要由目前的C1降至B1

“The English language requirement is being lowered from level C1 (advanced) to level B1 (intermediate), in line with other Points-Based System categories, in response to concerns that the high requirement was a possible deterrent to potentially successful entrepreneurs. This change is also being made to the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) category for consistency (although it has no practical
consequence in this category, as applicants pass the English language requirement automatically if they meet the separate requirement to have passed a UK degree).”

移民政策调整措施包括了学生签证,以及针对计点积分制的移民人士, 主要如下:

  1. T1企业家及投资者移民政策的修改,主要包括:

(1) Tier 1企业家移民的语言要求从之前的C1(雅思每单项7分),降到B1(相当于雅思4分,每项不低于4分),语言要求的降低将能够更多的吸引海外企业家申请者。
(2) Tier 4学生签证持有者从2012年12月13日起不能在英国境内递交转Tier 1 Entrepreneur 企业家移民的申请,申请人必须在所属国递交申请,除非申请人在申请时已获得五万镑的投资资金支持(投资方包括风险投资注册公司、英国政府、规划行政部门、天使基金等,每年有名额限制)。但PSW持有者不受这个新政策的影响,仍可以在英国境内递交申请。建议打算申请Tier 1 Entrepreneur签证的学生签证持有者在新政策实施之前递交申请。

2. 已递交Tier 1(Graduate Entrepreneur)申请的Tier 4 签证持有者在递交申请后,等待申请结果时也允许自雇。
3. Tier 4 进一步详细解释了学生签续签过程中 “28天逾期居留”的明确规定。
4. 工作相关的永居条款的具体陈述。
5. 临时工作人员, 包括政府授权的交流人员, T5签证的修订,将明确一些相关条款。
6. 强调了犯罪记录要求,更细化和清晰的犯罪记录分类条款,包括在撤销递解出境令之前,重新计算的时间长度, 以及5年内再次入境期限条件。
7. 进一步明确配偶签等细则,对于与子女有关的条列进行了细微修改。

此次移民政策调整受影响较大的是Tier 1企业家移民。首先雅思语言要求从从之前的C1(雅思每单项7分),降到B1(相当于雅思4分,每项不低于4分), 语言要求的降低将能够更多的吸引海外企业家申请者。其次是Tier4 学生签证持有者不能在英国境内递交转Tier 1 Entrepreneur 企业家移民的申请, 除非申请人在申请时已获得五万镑的投资资金支持。

You are allowed to make an initial application in the UK (including switching from one
immigration category to another) if you are here with permission to stay as:

• a highly skilled migrant; • a Tier 1 (General) migrant;
• a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant; • a Tier 1 (Investor) migrant;
• a Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) migrant; • a Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur)
• a Businessperson; • an Innovator;
• a Work Permit holder; • a Writer, Composer or Artist;
• a Self employed Lawyer; • a participant in the International
Graduates Scheme (or its predecessor, the
Science & Engineering Graduate Scheme);
• an Investor; • a participant in the Fresh Talent: Working in
Scotland Scheme;
• a Tier 2 migrant; • a Prospective Entrepreneur





You are allowed to make an initial application in the UK (including switching from one
immigration category to another) if you are here with permission to stay as:
• a highly skilled migrant; • a Tier 1 (General) migrant;
• a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant; • a Tier 1 (Investor) migrant;
• a Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) migrant; • a Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur)
• a Businessperson; • an Innovator;
• a Work Permit holder; • a Writer, Composer or Artist;
• a Self employed Lawyer; • a participant in the International
Graduates Scheme (or its predecessor, the
Science & Engineering Graduate Scheme);
• an Investor; • a participant in the Fresh Talent: Working in
Scotland Scheme;
• a Tier 2 migrant; • a Prospective Entrepreneur

人在境外可以办理不 ?

[quote]Haosheng 发表于 2012-11-27 03:56 [/siz

You are allowed to make an initial application in the UK (including switching from one
immigration category to another) if you are here with permission to stay as:
• a highly skilled migrant; • a Tier 1 (General) migrant;
• a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) migrant; • a Tier 1 (Investor) migrant;
• a Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) migrant; • a Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur)
• a Businessperson; • an Innovator;
• a Work Permit holder; • a Writer, Composer or Artist;
• a Self employed Lawyer; • a participant in the International
Graduates Scheme (or its predecessor, the
Science & Engineering Graduate Scheme);
• an Investor; • a participant in the Fresh Talent: Working in
Scotland Scheme;
• a Tier 2 migrant; • a Prospective Entrepreneur

