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The Romans
Julius Caesar led a Roman invasion of Britain in 55 BC. (凯撒大帝在公元55年,第一次入侵英国不成功,所以导致了英国和罗马帝国将近一百年互不相干,各自为营)
Nearly 100 years Britain remained separate from the Roman Empire
In AD 43 the Emperor Claudius led the Roman army in a new invasion.(Emperor Claudius在公元43年第二次入侵英国,这一次的入侵是成功的,并已经基本占据英国大多数地区。)
The Romans remained in Britain for 400 years.罗马侵占了英国将近四百年,在这期间,他们也为英国的建设作出了铺垫:

  1. They built roads and public buildings
  2. Created a structure of law, and introduced new plants and animals.
  3. During the 3rd and 4th centuries AD that the first Christian communities began to appear in Britain.
    罗马帝君由于要对自己其他领土进行防卫,所以在公元410年离开了英国,同时也没再返回The Roman army left Britain in AD 410 to defend other parts of the Roman Empire and never returned.
    The Anglo-Saxons
    随罗马帝君以后,英国再次被来自欧洲北部的:the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons入侵。我们现在所说的英语,也是当时人们用来交流的语言。在公元600年,萨克逊王国建立了英国(主要是现在的英格兰地区)。
    Britain was again invaded by tribes from northern Europe: the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons. The languages they spoke are the basis of modern-day English. Battles were fought against these invaders but, by about AD 600, Anglo-Saxon kingdoms were established in Britain. These kingdoms were mainly in what is now England.

The Vikings
The Vikings came from Denmark and Norway. They first visited Britain in AD 789 to raid coastal towns and take away goods and slaves.
The Norman Conquest

重要战役:the Battle of Hastings
In 1066, an invasion led by William, the Duke of Normandy (in what is now northern France), defeated Harold, the Saxon king of England, at the Battle of Hastings. The battle is commemorated in a great piece of embroidery, known as the Bayeux tapestry, which can still be seen in France today.

著名刺绣品,至今仍在法国保留,作品为70 metres (230 feet)。Bayeux Tapestry - the linen cloth is nearly 70 metres (230 feet) long and is embroidered with coloured wool。

The Middle Ages

在中世界,英国在国内外都有战役,而其中内战里著名的是War of the Roses玫瑰之战,这场战役是发生在1455-1485年间,是the House of Lancaster(兰卡斯特) and the House of York(约克)之间的称帝之争,战役称之为玫瑰之战是因为兰卡斯特是用红玫瑰的标志作为代表,而约克是以白玫瑰的标志作为代表。最终,是由于House of York在Battle of Bosworth Field的战役中,落败,所以,the House of Lancaster最终获胜。同时,Henry Tudor称帝,King Henry VII(亨利第七世)。称帝后,他娶了约克王的侄女, Elizabeth of York,并将标志改为红玫瑰里面包含着白玫瑰,象征着和平与统一。



两大House:The House of Lancaster(兰卡斯特),the House of York(约克)

两大家族的标志:The House of Lancaster(红玫瑰),the House of York(白玫瑰)
成功称帝:The House of Lancaster(红玫瑰)King Henry VII
统一的标志:A red rose with a white rose inside it as a sign that the Houses of York and Lancaster were now allies.
The Tudors and Stuarts
在亨利七世去世后,由他的儿子,亨利八世Henry VIII接任,而亨利八世最著名的就是他的六任妻子以及他为了与第一任妻子离婚所建立的church of England制度。
亨利八世在位时间:21 April 1509 —28 January 1547
The six wives of Henry VIII
Catherine of Aragon – Catherine was a Spanish princess. She and Henry had a number of children but only one, Mary, survived. When Catherine was too old to give him another child, Henry decided to divorce her, hoping that another wife would give him a son to be his heir.
第一任妻子是一位西班牙的公主。她和亨利有多个孩子,不过只有一个存活:MARY。当Catherine of Aragon由于年纪太大而无法生育时,他决定离婚,希望另娶一位能为他生下王子的人。
Anne Boleyn – Anne Boleyn was English. She and Henry had one daughter, Elizabeth. Anne was unpopular in the country and was accused of taking lovers. She was executed at the tower of London.
第二任妻子,是一位名叫Anne Boleyn的英国人。她与亨利生下一个女儿,伊丽莎白。由于Anne当时在国内并不受欢迎,并同时被指责有出轨的行为。最终,她在伦敦大桥处刑。
Jane Seymour – Henry married Jane after Anne’s execution. She gave Henry the son he wanted, Edward, but she died shortly after his birth.
在Anne的死刑后,他娶了Jane Seymour。她如愿给了亨利一个儿子,Edward,但在生产不久后就离开了人世。
Anne of Cleves – Anne was a German princess. Henry married her for political reasons but divorced her soon after.
Anne of Cleves是一位德国公主。出于政治原因连婚后,又迅速的与其离婚。
Catherine Howard – Catherine was a cousin of Anne Boleyn. She was also accused of taking lovers and executed.
Catherine Howard是Anne Boleyn的表妹。她同样因出轨而被叛死刑。
Catherine Parr – Catherine was a widow who married Henry later in his life. She survived him and married again but died soon after.
Catherine Parr是亨利八世的最后一任妻子,她是一个寡妇。在亨利去世后,改嫁,但同时不久也离开了人世。

Edward VI

亨利八世去世后,由他的儿子接任,爱德华六世接任。爱德华六世是一位新教徒。在他的执政年间,他所写的Book of Common Prayer沿用至今。在爱德华15岁那年,也就是他上任后6年(9岁加冕)去世。由他同父异母的姐姐玛丽接任,由于她是一个天主教徒,她极度打压和迫害新教徒(人们称为血腥玛丽)。玛丽在执政后很短的时间去世,随后,由亨利与Anne Boleyn所生的女儿,伊丽莎白一世,就位!

Henry VIII was succeeded by his son Edward VI, who was strongly Protestant. During his reign, the Book of Common Prayer was written to be used in the Church of England. A version of this book is still used in some churches today.
Edward died at the age of 15 after ruling for just over six years, and his half-sister Mary became queen. Mary was a devout Catholic and persecuted Protestants (for this reason, she became known as ‘Bloody Mary’). Mary also died after a short reign and the next monarch was her half-sister, Elizabeth, the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.

Queen Elizabeth I
伊丽莎白一世是一位新教徒,她重新制定了英国教堂的制度,法律规定每个人都必须到就近的教堂作礼拜但伊丽莎白并不追究人们的真正信仰。她非常善于平衡天主教徒和极端新教徒之间的意见冲突。Everyone had to attend their local church and there were laws about the type of religious services and the prayers which could be said, but Elizabeth did not ask about people’s real beliefs. She succeeded in finding a balance between the views of the Catholics and the more extreme Protestants.
James VI and I
由于伊丽莎白一世从未嫁人,也没有生下孩子,所以,在她去世后(1603年)王位没有直接继承人。最后,由她的堂弟James VI of Scotland 继承王位,成为King James I of England 。
Elizabeth I never married and so had no children of her own to inherit her throne. When she died in 1603 her heir was her cousin James VI of Scotland. He became King James I of England, Wales and Ireland but Scotland remained a separate country.


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:blush: 没有啦 就希望能帮到别人


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内牛满面····:cn03: 楼主好人!!! 感动ing


:hug: 能帮到有需要的人就好:$








楼主好好人哦 感动内牛:’(

楼主好好人哦 感动内牛:’(

楼主好好人哦 感动内牛:’(