
报的是这个专业,MA Art and Design (Studio Practice)
收到邮件说让我写project proposal , 毫无头绪啊, 我现在在读室内设计专业,
邮件内容是这个,A project proposal. We are looking for clear and concise statement of your aims, including information about both practical work and any research you may wish to undertake whilst studying on the programme and I am enclosing a pro-forma to assist you with this. It is particularly important that you tell us about the main themes and concerns of your proposed work, the methods and techniques you are hoping to use and a summary of the kinds of outcomes you are hoping for. You should also give a brief summary of any previous studio based works you have undertaken and explain how these will relate to your proposed project. Your project proposal will enable us to understand the type of project you intend to undertake whilst studying and will also ascertain that we have the appropriate resources to support you.

:cn03: :cn09:

报的是这个专业,MA Art and Design (Studio Practice)
收到邮件说让我写project proposal , 毫无头绪啊, 我现在在读室内设计,
邮件内容是这个,A project proposal. We are looking for clear and concise statement of your aims, including information about both practical work and any research you may wish to undertake whilst studying on the programme and I am enclosing a pro-forma to assist you with this. It is particularly important that you tell us about the main themes and concerns of your proposed work, the methods and techniques you are hoping to use and a summary of the kinds of outcomes you are hoping for. You should also give a brief summary of any previous studio based works you have undertaken and explain how these will relate to your proposed project. Your project proposal will enable us to understand the type of project you intend to undertake whilst studying and will also ascertain that we have the appropriate resources to support you.



我觉得是因为你报的这个专业(Studio Practice) 的关系吧, 连读带实习了?我这phd才要求写proposal.......


因为我觉得本科读3年已经够了 :)


没有 艺术设计专业的研究生都要些proposal的 Studio Practice我的理解是project based

呵呵 我当时也是你这想法 所以研究生换了专业但还是相关领域的 你这样专业跨度比较大,会有难度(虽然个人觉得这art and design没什么好学的,升级版foundation,是所有设计专业里最没技术含量的一个)面试的时候导师一定会问为什么转专业之类的 然后proposal 看你发的那个 他们的要求其实挺明确的了 你想研究的领域、问题等包括参考资料,尽可能的详细写出来 其实他们想看的就是你接下来一年的规划,然后根据你的这个规划、个人陈述、面试来判断你适不适合他们

我就是设计的Msc 入学没需要写proposal, final project 是跟导师商量之后才定的
你申请的时候没问问studio practice是在哪里?有什么不一样?

我看他有写 final project 去跟新加坡南洋艺术学院





enen 好的,升级版的PS吧。。哈哈哈哈

一半是,另一半也得写写之后Project 的主题,而且最好能和拉夫堡的这个课程扯上点关系,比如去南洋艺术学院


哈哈 你问下lz吧 我现在也是设计的MA

就是你未来这一年想要做一个啥project吧?你就想成你想做个啥研究生毕业设计好了 为啥要做这个 以前学过的东西有什么联系 对你这个未来项目有什么帮助 很好写的 你是还在申请阶段吗 如果是的话 根据最后一句话来看1) enable us to understand the type of project you intend to undertake whilst studying 2)will also ascertain that we have the appropriate resources to support you 你的project最好根绝学校老师的方向和能提供的资源来写 不然人家觉得没有合适的人给你提供指导

好的好的 懂了懂了 谢谢:cn11:

一般master的申请是不需要proposal的 加我qq2517733298