



Mother advertises for ‘talkative blonde’ to accompany son to Cambridge University ball

‘Blonde, talkative and sincere’ are among the requirements in an ad posted by a mother searching for a date for her Cambridge University student son who is too busy revising to find a girlfriend。

The mother of a Cambridge University student has posted an ad for a ‘talkative blonde’ to accompany her son to a ball because he is too busy studying to find a partner to the event himself. The woman, who identifies herself only as Margot, offers to pay all the lucky lady’s expenses as long as she meets a number of her specific requirements - including being honest, sincere and aged between 19 and 22, as well as meeting her essential demand of being blonde.

The advert, which has been posted on Gumtree, promises the successful applicant a “wonderful memory” and requests potential dates send in a profile to be considered for the job of accompanying the undergraduate to his May ball. The woman has defended using the site to find her son a date because she said he is “fully occupied by school work” and too busy to find a girl himself.

The advert says: “We will be responsible for all the expenses. If you are blonde, talkative, age 19-22 and with a honest and sincere attitude toward this opportunity, it is welcomed to send your profile to me.”

The post is accompanied by pictures of students dressed up for balls at the University.

The mother has insisted the advert, posted a week ago, is not a fake and that she wanted to keep it low profile and “not cause too much trouble for my son.”
A dating site based at the university, Romance.ucam.org, said it is very difficult for students to meet during the exam period. They also said the historic balls, which have been part of Cambridge University tradition since the 19th century, present a problem for many students as tickets go on sale in February but the event does not take place until June. Some tickets cost more than £200.

A spokesman for the site said: "Cambridge is a really hard place to find romance and a date for a May Ball.

"In exam periods, the trend seems to be that girls stick to their own groups, while men want to get out and meet new women - so that makes it very hard for them to get together.”
The ad has already been shared hundreds of times on a university discussion page on Facebook called Overheard at Cambridge.





may ball不是毕业舞会,收200镑的学院也有限,我倒觉得这孩子是大一新生的可能性高——要是大三的孩子/他妈还这么捉急的要找一个blonde partner来挣面子,那可真让人捉急了⋯⋯

