
State primary school
Ofseted outstanding

KS2 in 2014

Level 4B+ almost 100% in all columns

Level 5+

73% (Reading) 53%(Writing) 89%(GPS) 73%(Math) 46%(R+W+M)

Level 6+

0% (Reading) 9%(Writing) 11%(GPS)23%(Math) 0%(R+W+M)

A fantastic school (one of the best) if the examination result is the main purpose of education.


73% achieving rate is very high, only about 1 child in 4 is not level 5, it should be easy to be one of 3 achieved Level 5.

However, some independent schools have Level 5 achieving rate over 95%.


Governmemt website http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/performance/

发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com


Level 6 is new thing, only starts from 2013.

From my point of view, excellent school and very nice area.

In primary school stage, all my children went to state school, so I cannot comment on independent school education for under 11.

发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com

哪能查到level6呢?我给我儿子选的3个学校, level5 or above in r+m+w 1个76% 另外2个都是50%+ 总体都没太大问题,可在教育部网站上都看不到level6的。

73% 是 reading, R+W+M 三项都是 level 5 的比例是46%,这个数字算好吗?

46% is good enough from my point of view; surely your child can be one of them.

The most impressive thing about this school is 100% of Level 4 achieving rate. This implies that either all children are great academically or the school’s teaching is fantastic. I will choose to believe the latter.

You need to dig into those big Excel file to get information you want.


Independent school education is not a guarantee to 11+ exam success. Maybe you could talk to other parents in your area who have children went through this process. Ask your children’s school to find out pupils’ exit destination (where they went after finish primary school).

发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com

也可以从另外一个角度想问题,不管中学上那个公立grammar school 你们都要搬家,搬家不说带来的各种麻烦,买房卖房手续费和stamp duty加起来也不少一笔钱,如果你们对当地的公立中学不满意,又不打算全程上私立的话,中学阶段送私立是不是经济上更划算些。如果小学送私立,考公立grammae又出意外那中学不还得继续私立吗。anyway,这只是我会这么想,每家的情况不一样计划自然就不一样。


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