

因为申请大学需要A Level和GCSE成绩,私立中学肯定是参加全国考试的,大部分私立中学也公布考试成绩参加排名榜,但有些私立中学抵制排名榜他们说考试成绩不是他们的唯一教学目标甚至不是主要教学目标。

小学阶段的考试SAT 2(11岁)可以说是小学毕业考试,因为这个考试成绩没有什么用,有些私立小学不参加这个考试,就算参加了大多数不公布考试成绩。私校联盟虽然也做inspection但inspection report信息不多。没有考试成绩做参考,大家在选择私立小学的时候就只能靠口碑了,比如其它父母的经验,学校的传统名气等等。

在South Kensington的Hill House international junior school是一个PrePrep和Prep一起的学校(4到13岁的孩子),一年14k的学费在小学里面算是贵的了,当年查尔斯去苏格兰上中学以前就是上的这个学校,算是个有传统有名气的高大上学校了,虽然英国王室不注重孩子的学术成绩(academic performance)菲利普亲王讨厌和排斥知识分子但他们选择的学校应该不差吧?




£14,000-a-year school attended by Prince Charles branded inadequate by Ofsted

The £14,000-a-year prep school attended by the Prince of Wales could face closure after being branded inadequate in all areas in a damning Ofsted report.

Inspectors said pupils at Hill House international junior school in west London are not safe, do not make adequate progress and school leaders do not have the capacity to secure improvements.

The report criticised standards in maths and writing, said teachers are given little support and called for an urgent overhaul of health and safety procedures.

The family-run school was set up in 1951 and now runs out of several small houses in Kensington and Chelsea. It lists its number one rule as “safety of the boy and girl”.

But strikingly the report highlighted “significant failings” in security, saying visitors are not asked to sign in or out of the buildings and supervision of pupils is “sometimes lax”.

Some fire exits are hazardous, there is no fire safety policy and “the health and safety of both pupils and adults in the main school are severely compromised”, it said.

Today a spokeswoman for the Department for Education said ministers are studying the report and will confirm their decisions about regulatory action shortly. She added: “It would be wrong to take any decisions until we have studied the findings, but all options remain open — including closure. We have repeatedly demonstrated for all types of school that we will not hesitate to take tough action if required.”

Principal Richard Townend, whose late father Lt Col H Stuart Townend founded the school, has written to parents saying the report does not represent the school.

He wrote: “As I go around the school I see happy children enjoying being at school, working hard and making great progress in a safe environment.”

He added: “We provide opportunities in art, music, drama and sport which others envy. Each Wednesday the Assembly astonishes visitors with its display of talent in our school and the feeling of corporate warmth, friendliness and support of the whole Hill House family — pupils, parents and tutors. These are things of the greatest value.”

Pupils, aged between four and 13, are regularly seen marching in crocodile form between the school’s sites wearing their rust and gold uniform, including breeches and striped cravats, which are only available from Harrods. They enjoy compulsory swimming lessons, trips to Switzerland and sports practice at the Duke of York’s Barracks in King’s Road.

The school, which has almost 1,000 pupils, was chosen by the royal family in 1956 for Prince Charles — the first time an heir to the throne had attended school outside the royal household.

The following year the Queen, Prince Philip and Princess Anne visited for sports day. Singer Lily Allen is also a former pupil. Described by the Good Schools Guide as having an “eccentric ethos”, the school has pupils from more than 50 countries and none are eligible for free school meals.

Ofsted inspectors praised their behaviour, saying they are “mature, confident, respectful and tolerant”, and enjoyed a wide range of musical and sporting activities in London and the school’s annex in Switzerland.

Mr Townend said the school will “explore in detail every criticism they have made and correct anything which needs attention”. The school has already commissioned Capita to overhaul health and safety and is conducting a security audit.

The school’s last full Ofsted inspection was in December 2012 when it was judged to be “good”.

In May last year Ofsted carried out an emergency inspection at the request of the Department for Education after a routine survey of pupils. The quality of education for pupils was judged to be effective, but inspectors found that the school was failing to meet a number of regulatory requirements, including a significant number relating to the welfare and safety of its pupils.

家隔壁得nursery offsted就是inadequate,之前挺排斥,不想让孩子去,结果孩子去了也不反感,玩的还挺happy得,就让他一直去了。


Hill House这个学校算是个名校,很多家长也很满意,毕业生上名中学(比如Eton,Harrow,St Paul等)的比例也非常高,但是as of 10 March 2015, the school has just been rated “Inadequate” across all categories by Ofsted due to a failure to ensure safeguarding procedures and the quality of teaching. 别的到是没有什么,但如果the quality of teaching是inadequate,老师对学生provide little support那很难justify一年14k的学费啊。:cn14:

教学质量和校风很重要,我一般在选学校时,都是先查offsted report. 孩子在上小学时,在学校玩得开心是件好事,可是如果只是为了玩而进一所教学质量差的学校,最后得不偿失,我一位朋友儿子上学前在家可以数1至10,上了学后一段时间只能数1-5,倒退了。其实小学能把基础打好,上了中学后会轻松好多。

一个小学,如果学生大部分去了伊顿圣保罗什么的,无论你给其什么评价,或者找茬儿看的访客是不是要sign in / out , 家长还是会趋之若鹜的

这个学校毕业生的去向可以说是very impressive,但这不一定说明这个学校是impressive,有可能是学生very impressive,这个是个international school到这个学校上学的很多是外派到伦敦的家庭的孩子,就是说这个学校的主要学生成份都是比较成功家庭出来的,他们的孩子不管到那个学校一般都会比较成功。

有一个家长为给女儿找学校去这个学校访问的印象,非常好的学校,学生非常confident有great personal skills,每个时候都有很多有意思的activities,但她得出了和很多父母一样的结论 “Hill House is a perfect place for outgoing, active and sporty children”,学校的很多活动都是学生主导的,这样的环境对性格外向有闯劲的孩子非常适合,可以让孩子的性格和个性充分发展,但她觉得她的女儿是比较安静的孩子需要个安静的学习环境来学习和思考,最后她没有选择这个学校。其实这个家长的印象和Ofsted的report的发现是一样的,学生不错但teaching quality不行老师给学生little support。






o .我倒是没想过这个习惯问题。因为我自己小学的学校很差,中学也差,都是靠自觉的,所以我倒是不懂怎么培养孩子学习积极性了。

现在的时髦都是小学上私校中学上公校,比如David Cameron,Nike Clegg,Michael Gault (前教育大臣),Tony Blair。。。。:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:









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