A Level成绩:最佳500所公立中学超过了最佳500所私校!说明了什么?

今天The Telegraph的头版头条新闻:公校说牛逼私校都去面壁去吧“State pupils put private schools in the shade”。

最新的A Level成绩表明最佳500所公立中学超过了最佳500所私校!很多私校父母肯定会想TMD的白花钱了。:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

这个结果说明了公校每年都在改善,要不然David Cameron等等政客也不会送孩子上公校,对不对?:stuck_out_tongue:

不过别把这个结果看的过分认真,原因(1)这个结果是按照DoE的排名榜方法排的,DoE的排名榜只算A Level 成绩,越来越多的私校的很多科目好的学生不学A Level,而是学更难和更全面的PreU,这样A level成绩自然会不好,(2)有很多私校是sport,art等等的专门学校,(3)排名榜是平均成绩,私校有一部分非常差的孩子平均成绩会被拉下来。(4)最佳好公校里面很多是Grammar School(state selective secondary school),这些学校的学生入学成绩比私校好。

交了钱成绩还不是最佳,那还交钱干嘛?一些家长会说了同学好关系网好,实际上好的公校都在好地区学生都很好,特别grammar school的大部份学生都是middle class家庭来的,同学不比私校同学差。

一年交那么多钱没有什么好处啊?:cn10: I really don’t know。:cn14:


State pupils put private schools in the shade: Analysis of A-level results shows fee-paying students were outclassed by top performing state schools in league tables

Leading state schools now perform better in exam league tables than private schools, analysis has suggested.

Research based on official Department for Education figures found that England’s best 500 state schools are outperforming the top 500 private schools.

The analysis shows that the average points per pupil is higher at state than at fee-paying schools. The figures were disclosed as GCSE results fell for the fourth consecutive year, with the Government continuing its fight against grade inflation.

The evidence that the best state schools are outperforming private schools is expected to be seized upon by the Government.

During his time as Education Secretary, Michael Gove said that standards in state schools should be “so high” that they were indistinguishable from Eton or Harrow.

A senior source said: “We think the data is hugely welcomed and we think that it vindicates that our reforms are working and the next step should be to turbo-charge those reforms. It used to be that the state sector could learn from the private sector and now it is the other way around.”

Each January, the Government releases a full breakdown of A-level results for each school.

Based on the analysis of the government figures, The Telegraph found that the top 1 per cent of state schools, or 21 schools, achieve better results than 98 per cent of private schools, or 512 schools.

When the point score per pupil is analysed, the top 500 state schools average 883 points while the top 500 independent schools is 845. On this measure, only four of the leading 20 schools in the country are private.

The top-performing state school was Colchester Royal Grammar School, which scored 1430.1 points per pupil.

Eton scored 1004.5 while Harrow scored 1004.8. Grey Coat Hospital, the state school where the Prime Minister sends his daughter, had a score of 807.7.

Less well-known state schools also performed well. Mossbourne Academy, formerly known as the Hackney Downs school in east London, scored 809.4.

Barnaby Lenon, chairman of the Independent Schools Council, which represents 85 per cent of private schools in the country, said the comparison was unfair.

Mr Lenon said: “To compare every independent school in the UK (there are only about 500 that take A-levels) with the top 500 state schools is grossly unfair.” He said it is “a reasonable point that the best state schools get very good results”, but it is the “top 30 per cent of state and independent schools” that should be compared.

“Any parent comparing the independent and state league tables can see the top 200 independent schools outperform most state schools,” he added. Mary Bousted, general secretary at the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, said: "For many people these will be surprising results.

But I myself am not surprised. Teachers in state schools are becoming more effective all the time and they are becoming effective at preparing pupils at important qualifications."

我在online meeting. 沙发一下。待会回来看。



good state grammar schools are as good as most independent schools.


我在中部,整个一大片区域没有一所grammar school。。。

对阿,附近没有grammar school的咋办阿?

附近没有grammar school的只能搬家了吧。。。

最近的grammar school是私校

我记得谁说过grammar school 70%都是印巴人,家里都很重视教育,学习压力也很大的。


北英格兰的话Durham Johnston不是grammar但是一个非常非常好的公立学校。


我这都没有GRAMMAR 学校,查了一下,最近的就READING 有个很牛的GRAMMAR BOYS SCHOOL,不过我家老大真是的什么事情都接受慢的那种,但是又怕去了不好的公立学校被坏孩子欺负,学坏,愁啊。想着5年级给他请家教补课,大哥觉得晚吗? 他9月份开始上YEAR 4

我觉得yr 4就可以请了,开始轻松一些,逐渐增加强度。


我还是坚信一分价钱一分货。拿28k工资和40k工资老师的motivation 不一样的。我觉得报道里面说的什么Teachers in state school are more effective.这是自我安慰和吹嘘。effective in where?


这个成绩比较什么问题也说明不了啊。公校的a level样本来自top 500的学校,私校的样本来自几乎所有有sixth form的私校。不公平的样本采集方式,难道能得出公平的结论?


好的公立学校特别grammar school孩子大部分也是来自middle class family,发展所谓关系网也不会比私校差多少。