
财相George Osborne访问中国玩开心了,许愿说要额外拨款一千万胖子让5千个小孩有机会像他女儿一样学普通话!想教中文(普通话)的坛友机会要来了。

George Osborne promises extra cash so children can learn Mandarin like his daughter

The chancellor vowed to invest £10million in schools so that 5,000 children like his daughter Liberty can learn the language

George Osborne has promised an extra £10million so that more children can learn Mandarin in school like his daughter Liberty.

He announced the extra money as he spoke of a “hunger to learn more and understand more” about China, adding: “I see it at home in Downing Street every night as my twelve year old daughter does her Mandarin homework”.

The Chancellor revealed the funding will give 5,000 children the chance to learn the language as he spoke of the need for a “golden era” of UK investment in China.

The announcement is part of Mr Osborne’s five day trip to the country where he hopes to “forge closer economic and cultural relationships between the two countries”.

China is currently the UK’s sixth largest trading partner and despite concerns about a collapse in the country’s stock market Mr Osborne said Britain should push ahead with plans to open up new trade links between the nations.

It came as the Chancellor became the first government minister to visit Urumqi in the region of Xinjiang in north west China, to meet with bosses at the Hualing Industry and Trade Group who are investing heavily in property projects in Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield.

The plans form part of Mr Osborne’s pet northern powerhouse project.

He said: “We are building an ever closer relationship with China – it’s a partnership that is set to unleash growth and help regions like Xinjiang where we know investment can make a real difference, as well as unleash new growth back home, in places like our own Northern Powerhouse.”

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