

同问 {:5_142:}

老鹰 http://www.barclays.co.uk/Otheraccounts/Currencyaccounts/euroAccountndashTheidealeurobankaccount/P1242557963870
黑马 http://international.lloydsbank.com/international-current-accounts/?WT.mc_id=43700008329134952&WT.srch=1&gclid=CMmIuPGy6MgCFRKeGwodL7QODg&gclsrc=aw.ds

nationwide international 如何啊?

Citibank has FX currency accounts - €, $, JPY, HK $ etc

如果你是花旗银行的贵宾,可以同时用一张Debt card 使用三种关联的货币(英镑、美元、欧元)账户。

City Banks offer you a Sterling current account that gives you the opportunity to also hold US Dollar and Euro current accounts, with no additional fees. All your current accounts can be accessed using just one Citigold Visa Debit Card.

这样,你到美国、欧洲旅游,就像在本国使用的Debt card一样,而不用担心 exchange rate 不合适和 transaction fee高。条件: 你账户里要有这三种货币。 对于,经常在这三个地方出差的人,有这个卡比信用卡更实惠。