
英国一对夫妇19万税前年收入抱怨送2孩子上私校要让他们破产 Couple earning £190k complain they are on the edge of being financially broken http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/pensions/12000288/We-earn-190k-a-year.-Do-we-need-to-sell-our-flat-to-afford-private-school-fees.html

这对夫妇的情况,丈夫management consultant,老婆 personal injury lawyer,总收入19万,假如是14万+5万,那税后收入是120620,每个月10154英镑。有一个出租房(价值315k房贷170k)每个月房租收入950,房租收入渠道手续费贷款利息可能剩4500交掉税2700(明年landlord税钙以后可能就不会剩了),总收入,每个月10397(估计)。固定支出房贷2500(价值725k房贷510),他们两人都是私校毕业的所以两个孩子准备送私校,学费4000一个term,这样两个孩子每个月的学费是2000。去掉固定支出每个月还剩5897,他们说日子过的紧巴巴的,就因为送孩子上私校让他们要破产了。考虑是不是卖掉他们的出租房做孩子的学费。

By most measures Adam and Megan Brownson would be considered very affluent. Their respective careers - in management consultancy and personal injury law - give them a joint income of £190,000. The couple also own two properties with a combined value of more than £1m, putting them in the wealthiest 1pc of households in Britain.

But the pair are worried about becoming “financially broken” as the sheer cost of middle-class life in London means they are stretched to the brink. They spend everything they earn – and more. They are currently heavily reliant upon their salaries, meaning a redundancy or illness could leave them “financially broken”.

The financial pressures of raising a family has led them to rack up credit card debts totalling around £8,000 on 0pc introductory deals, but these are due to come to an end next year. Their single biggest outgoing is the £2,500-a-month mortgage on their £725,000 family home in south west London. They still have £510,000 left to pay, on top of the £170,000 mortgage debt on their buy-to-let flat in south east London, which is now worth £315,000.
They are currently renting it out for £950 a month which covers the buy-to-let mortgage, but they are worried that heavier taxes facing many landlords could mean they will soon make a loss
They have two daughters, Emme, who is two and a half, and Belle, who is just nine months old. Having both been privately educated themselves, Adam and Megan are keen for the girls to have the same experience, and have signed them up to two private primary schools nearby.
Both have fees of around £4,000 a term, meaning that by the time Emme and Belle are both at school in a few years’ time, they will be spending at least £24,000 on school fees every year.

Their dilemma is how to fund the cost of the girls’ education without sacrificing their lifestyle. Megan, who is currently on maternity leave, usually works four days a week but she could increase her salary considerably if she goes back to work full time. With two small children she’s reluctant to do this.

在Daily Telegraph上发了关于他们的文章以后,很多网民对他们非常”同情“(嘲笑?),还有人建立一个网站为他们募捐。 Won’t somebody think of the management consultants? Couple earning £190,000 who told of their heartache at not being able to afford private schools face sarcastic backlash and even a GoFundMe campaign

A wealthy London couple who moaned about the prospect of having to sacrifice their lavish lifestyle to pay for their daughters private school fees have had a joke fundraising website set up in their honour.

Adam, a management consultant, and Megan Brownson, an injury lawyer, earn a combined annual salary of £190,000.

Yet they contacted financial advisers at The Telegraph panicking about how they will manage to maintain a high standard of living when it comes to sending their two young girls to boarding school.

They worry that the £24,000 combined annual fee will leave them unable to properly enjoy themselves with the £166,000 net income they will be living off.

But the couple’s issue - whether they should fund the tuition costs by selling their £315,000 buy-to-let flat - failed to win them much sympathy from the general public.

Their so called plight was lambasted by hard-up families who mocked them for being ‘completely out of touch’ with reality.

Web pranksters have since taken it upon themselves to poke fun at the Brownson’s, who live in a £725,000 home in south west London.

A fundraising page on GoFundMe has been set up to ‘support’ the hard-up pair, years before they send daughters Emme, two, and Belle, nine months, to school.

Created by Marijam Did, the website’s plea for cash reads: 'With tears in my eyes I scrolled down through Adam’s and Megan’s heart-wrenching story.

'The feeling is all too familiar to me - just like Brownsons struggle to send their beautiful daughters to a private school AND keep the real estate they worked so hard for, so do I often find myself only capable of buying another bottle of 5-year malt scotch instead of bread and milk for which my change just won’t cover.

'I am thoroughly worried about becoming “financially broken” as the sheer cost of booze and tobacco in London means I am stretched to the brink. I have not been able to buy food for months now, but if this is going to continue, means that my beloved bottle of ale is going to stay a dream too.

'I am currently heavily reliant upon my salary, meaning a redundancy or illness could leave me sober or a bit peckish.

'My dilemma is how to fund the cost of the Blue Drum without sacrificing my lifestyle.

‘If you support the Brownsons, please do not turn away.’

The fundraising page contains an edited photograph of the family in which the girls are holding a can of beer and cigarettes.

To date, £25 has been donated.





目前需要交的税,20%税率的人(4000-2000)x 20%=400,40%税率的人(4000-2000)x40%=800

以后的算税办法,20%税率的人不变,40%税率的人4000x40% - 2000x20%=1200,交的税多了。


一起捐助一点 哇嘎嘎



充分说明独生子女的重要性 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

目前的政策就是劫富 包括房东税改和第二套房的印花税

真正有钱的各种避税手段 最悲催的就是略有盈余做小投资 恰好挨上40%边的中产

你不是accountant,怎么和你解释这个专业的东西,自己上HMRC网站去看看tax rate band

同样例子, 4000收入,2000利息。没有房租收入是20%税率,有房租收入以后3000在20%税band,1000在40%税band

以后的算法:3000x20%+1000x40%-2000x20% = 600是需要交的税


同样例子, 4000收入,2000利息。没有房租收入是20%税率,有房租收入以后1000在20%税band,3000在40%税band

以后的算法:1000x20%+3000x40%-2000x20% = 800是需要交的税




我们的理解:(4000房租(收入)-2000贷款利息(支出))x40% = 800应该交的税

数学比较差的英国人的算法 4000房租(收入)x 40% - 2000贷款利息(减税tax relief)x40% = 800应该交的税

我们的理解2000贷款利息是支出(cost)应该把它减掉然后用净利润来算税,但HMRC不把贷款利息算入cost,而是用它来算可以减多少税(tax relief),算出来的税是一样的,但说成是tax relief就煽动了大家对landlord得到tax relief的不满甚至痛恨,减少(最后取消)这个tax relief自然是被大家支持了。


Isn’t there a 12k childcare tax free allowance coming in?

这个scheme延迟到 2017了,https://www.gov.uk/government/news/tax-free-childcare-10-things-parents-should-know


两口子都要工作,每个人工资不少于100一周,每个人年收入不超过100k,这对夫妇应该不满足条件,另外school fee不算是childcare。就算可以领,一年最多就是2000.


问题是pension 55岁以后才能领,那时候孩子大了,不需要钱了。
