


MenB? It becomes a regular vaccine since Sep last year in the UK. Start at 3-4 months old. Check out the NHS website.
How old is your little one? I don’t know what happens if s/he is over one. HNS offers catch-ups for those who are under one and have missed the vaccination.

Quite expensive if you need to do it privately though. I have heard it’s over £200 for each dose. Three doses as suggested on NHS website, but my little one only have two (4/13-month). So you might want to ask the local GP when you move over.

P.S. we are moving the opposite way {:5_142:}




In France now?


Not yet. My husband went and secured an apartment in St Cloud yesterday. He is moving this week. Me and my LO is moving in one or two months. I need to finish my contract here.

@lemon2004 my husband work in 16th, so St Cloud is good for him to cycle to work. We have a big garden here in the UK, and we will miss it. So deliberately chose an area with lots of green… How is the job market in Paris?


Porte de st claud , c’ pas mal