
下周开始金融行业打裁员,预计伦敦金融会裁员7万人左右,约10%的工作。其中JP Morgan 裁员 4000人左右。
主要被裁的是交易Trading,和受MiFID passports影响的业务。

What will the end of ‘passporting’ mean in practice?

The really big issue for banking jobs in London is the end of so-called “passporting” into the EU. Dating back to 1993, passporting has allowed banks headquartered in London to operate across the EU using a branch network without regulatory authorization in each country.

In a note out last year, the Bank of England pointed out that in the absence of passporting after a Brexit, a London-based bank that wants to operate in the EU will need to become authorized in each country. Without passporting rights, and absent a so-called “equivalence” agreement, whereby London is able to access European markets because its regulations are deemed ‘equivalent’ to those in Europe, London-based banks would find it impossible to operate.

In a worst case scenario, Law firm Ashurst says it’s plausible that the end of passporting could mean that UK-based firms, “lose their MiFID passports and therefore cannot deal with EU-based clients (at least in the short term, as it is unlikely the UK would receive a MiFID equivalence assessment in time). ”

That’s huge: MiFID II governs trading in everything from equities to fixed income securities, derivatives and money market instruments. It explains why banks are in such a hurry to activate contingency plans and shift role to European subsidiaries.


According to an analysis of the banks’ corporate filings by Reuters, JP Morgan, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank AG, Nomura Holding and Morgan Stanley all said their main UK arms paid no corporation tax.

既然这些投资银行在英国不交公司税, 除了抬高房价,还有啥作用呢? 有人说了banker 个税交的多。 Banker 是最会避税的。 赶快搬去欧洲, 那里税更高, 奖金发了都交税。

我认为伦敦未来会更好。 欧元区会先垮掉

大公司很规范,个人所得税基本上不会逃的。主要不是个税问题,而是在英国的年轻人的发展机会大大减少了。以前的发展机会是和纽约一个级别的,以后可能就是 马德里 这个级别的了。 你是希望你未来的孩子在纽约这个级别的机会环境中成长,还是在马德里成长?


另外,英国不是除了金融业,别的行业就不存在了。 英国的金融业和制造业GDP 一样的,都是19%左右。



eft9000: 你将来能做的了你孩子的主吗?而且我也不关心你孩子的情况,我只是对整体的未来年轻人的发展做评论。

最新消息, 英镑大跌, 1.34美金了, 周一FTSE 要暴跌。 这次不少银行赌留欧赔了不少钱吧

我不是开餐馆的哦, 没那个管理水平。 我现在搞物流和进出口贸易的。 我本人十几年前在伦敦工作,IT行业前几名的公司。

@applelove820 手机装个bloomberg 随时刷新的。 亚洲已经是周一了







他编的呗。WB数据,2013年,industry value added 21.3% GDP. Service 78%

Britain’s financial services sector grew rapidly between 2006 and 2009. The UK economy has long been a dominant player in financial services, along with the US, but growth in the sector between 2006 and 2009 was particularly rapid. By 2009, the sector accounted for 10% of UK GDP, the highest of all G7 economies. The second highest was Canada at 6.7%, and the lowest was Germany at 3.9%. The dominance of the sector in Britain meant it was hit harder by the financial crash. Its share of the economy fell by 2.9 percentage points, while it remained roughly stable in other major economies. Output in the UK financial services sector is still 13.6% below pre-crisis levels according to the latest ONS data.

统计数字: 英国 ONS
