Andrea Leadsom 是大臣吗?




顺带问一下,secretary 跟 minister差别在哪儿?

This answer relates to the UK.

Like many answers related to the UK government, it’s not straightforward…

Ministers and Cabinet Ministers

We should start with the Prime Minister. This is not a directly elected role - there is no national ballot to who should by PM. Instead, there is a general election every few years in which all the ‘Members of Parliament’ stand for (re-)election. After the election, there is either a single party with a majority, or there isn’t. If there’s a single party with a majority, the head of that party is normally immediately chosen as Prime Minister. If there is no single party with a majority, the heads of parties talk to each other, cut deals, and ultimately a co-alition government is formed. In the last 50 years, there has been precisely one coalition government - the current one, and the Prime Minister is head of the larger party in that coalition (with the Deputy Prime Minister being head of the smaller party.)

The Prime Minister is formally invited by the Sovereign to form a government…

A minister is (normally) a Member of Parliament who has been chosen by the Prime Minister to run a major department. There are 25 UK departments which are headed by a Minister. (And a similar number who are run by someone with a more junior title.)

Given the two chambers - the House of Commons (elected) and the House of Lords (appointed by a range of governments), it is possible for a minister to be a member of the House of Lords rather than a directly elected Member of Parliament. This is the only situation where a minister wouldn’t be chosen from the pool of elected representatives.

Just to confuse things, some larger Ministries have more than one Minister (for example, the Ministry of Defence has Phil Hammond as Number 1, and Nick Harvey as Number 2 - Nick Harvey being 'Minister of State for Defence.)

Historically, government departments were called ‘Ministries’. The term was changed a decade or so ago, with the vast majority of departments now using the term 'Department. The Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Justice retain the old terms. (The Monty Python team used the term ‘Ministry of silly walks’ in 1970, when the terminology was normal and more recently, J.K.Rowling used the term for the 'Ministry of Magic.)

The 22 most senior Ministers, plus the Prime Minister, form the Cabinet. These are known as ‘Cabinet Ministers.’


The term ‘secretary’ is used for a variety of things.

Some of the roles are held by elected officials (ie Members of Parliament who are chosen by the Prime Minister for a particular job):

The term ‘Secretary of State’ is used for some of the more senior ministers.
Next comes ‘Minister of State’, the second tier.
The term ‘Parliamentary undersecretary’ is the third and lowest tier of minister.
Finally comes ‘Parliamentary private secretary’, a member of parliament who isn’t a minister, but assists a minister as their liason to parliament.

However, some of the people with the job title ‘secretary’ are civil servants (ie non-elected members of the professional civil service, who serve no matter which party is in power.)

The Cabinet Secretary is head of the Civil Service, and also Head of the Cabinet Office, which is the civil service department that provides direct assistance to the PM as well as to the cabinet.
The term ‘permanent secretary’ (which is a short way of saying ‘permanent under-secretary of state’) is typically the most senior civil servant, who runs the department on a day to day basis. There are 42 permanent secretaries in the UK civil service.
The term ‘private secretary’ refers to the assistant to the minister. (S)he reports directly to the minister, rather than the permanent secretary. In some departments, however, permanent secretaries also have an assistant who holds the rank of ‘private secretary.’ Actually, there’s a whole gamut of these in bigger departments… in order ‘principal private secretary’, ‘private secretary’, ‘assistant private secretary’,

And finally, a word or two about the etymology.

Minister comes from the old French, and means ‘one who serves.’

Secretary literally means ‘one who keeps a secret’, reflecting the confidential nature of the role. The use of the word to mean ‘office assistant’ is far, far, more recent than the use of the word to mean ‘senior official’. To this extent, a ‘Company secretary’ in the UK is a senior figure, either a Director, or of equal authority to a Director, and with a bunch of legal responsibilities for reporting / compliance.

The term Cabinet dates from pre-revolutionary France, and was the inner part of King Louis’ bedroom - only the most senior government officials were allowed to enter the cabinet. Worth remembering when politicians get egos too large.)

刚刚宣布的,环境大臣。 {:5_137:}

你发帖子的时候还不是,但是现在是Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs了.

越来越觉得May是黑色幽默高手, Andrea Leadsom竞选leader时候许愿过,EU给英国farmer(农民?农场主?)的补贴以后她的政府会继续给,现在May给Leadsom这个职位就是要负责这方面的,另外EU通过regional development给英国很多地方钱,regional development也是环境大臣的事情,又一个hot potato给了Brexiter。 {:5_142:}




regional fund在谢菲尔德都是造桥修路。













你要大理石的有一家叫KOLIQI ,我帮你问问,他石材中国和意大利来的




版主: 舞清, LiLaC52

