请大家推荐Hampstead, St. John's wood, 和hammersmith附近的infant/junior/senior私校,谢谢了!

我住在maida vale,靠近warwick avenue。想请问附近这三个区域好的prep school和senior school(女校或混合)。如果有好的nursery或者daycare也请推荐。

那一带的好私校太多了,you are spoiled for choice,不过现在伦敦好的私立小学入学都是要考试的,早报名晚报名其实没有关系,你到学校的网站查查就知道入学要求了。大部分学校都是从两岁开始,你多去考几个然后再选择。一些学校没有入学考试,比如Abercorn School (St John’s Wood)。


Bute House (Hammersmith)
North London Collegiate School (Edgware, Middlesex)
Pembridge Hall (Notting Hill)
Sarum Hall (Hampstead)


Abercorn School (St John’s Wood)
Chepstow House School (Notting Hill)
Devonshire House Preparatory School (Hampstead)
Hampstead Hill School (Hampstead)
Mulberry House School (West Hampstead)
Norland Place (Holland Park)
Notting Hill Prep School (Notting Hill)
The Phoenix School (Hampstead)
Trevor-Roberts School (Hampstead)


Arnold House School (St. John’s Wood)
The Hall (Hampstead)
Hereward House (Hampstead)
Wetherby Pre-Preparatory School (Notting Hill)


非常谢谢成龙大哥!我马上去查能不能注册前就去参观一下学校 {:5_137:}