

A council’s first prosecution over HMO licenses cost two landlords nearly £4,000.

Appearing at Worcester Magistrates Court, Bing Wang and Yan Shao, were both convicted of renting out an unlicensed HMO to students when the property did not meet key safety standards.

Wang and Shao were ordered to pay over £3,800 in fines and costs.

The case was the first prosecution brought by Worcester City Council over HMO licences.

Landlords of HMOs in the city are required to have a licence in order to demonstrate that they have adequate fire precautions and security measures in place in their properties.

The court heard that the three-storey property Wang and Shao owned was leased to at least three students, but the landlords had failed to apply for the legally-required licence.

A licence is required if a property is rented to three or more people who form two or more households sharing basic amenities such as a kitchen, bathroom or toilet.

Wang and Shao pleaded not guilty to charges of not having a licence, despite managing and controlling a property which is required to be licensed under Housing Act 2004.

The court heard that Worcester City Council’s housing officers had been tipped off by a neighbour that the property as being used as an HMO to house students.

Council officers made several visits to the property over two years and found that the legally required fire safety and fire exits were not in place, and neither were smoke detectors or emergency lights.

They also established that no HMO licence had been applied for.

The court heard how Wang and Shao were repeatedly asked to put the fire safety measures in place and to apply for a licence, but did not do so.

Shao was interviewed under caution by council officers in May this year when she claimed that the property did not need a licence.

In court, both defendants argued that they were not aware that the property qualified as an HMO as they only rented it out to two people.

But magistrates found “inconsistencies” in the account Wang and Shao gave in court and the interview Shao had given under caution.

They stated that not being aware of the presence of additional tenants was no defence.

Found guilty, Wang and Shao were fined £1,370 each, and ordered to pay £421 towards Worcester City Council’s costs and victim’s surcharges of £137 each – a total of £3,856.

Speaking after the case, Cllr Roger Berry, Worcester City Council Cabinet member for Housing and Heritage, said the verdict sent out a “strong message” to rogue landlords.

The Housing Act 2004 introduced mandatory licensing of HMOs of three storeys occupied by five or more unrelated people sharing amenities.

But it also gave local authorities the power to extend the licensing of HMOs, to ensure they meet appropriate standards.

In Worcester, this “additional licensing” was brought into force on September last year, meaning licences are required for all city properties rented out to three or more unrelated people sharing basic amenities.

那个‘selective license’现在很多council都在搞,其实是个捞钱的工具,并不是Housing Act里要求的,也有很多争论,如果就这点来说,法官是会听求情的。

“The court heard how Wang and Shao were repeatedly asked to put the fire safety measures in place and to apply for a licence, but did not do so.”




这个不冤吧,都被盯上了还要死磕,属于no zuo no die的典型。第一次就改正就不会这样了。

话说具体怎么搞fire exit和emergency lights?

You must have a licence if you’re renting out a large HMO.
如果这个license不是housing act要求的,为什么会写在gov.uk里面呢?

You could get an unlimited fine for renting out an unlicensed HMO.
虽然里面写着的是unlimited fine,在许多council里面写着的是fined 20k,如果真的是fine 20k,也只能交了。


housing act 要求的是HMO license, council要求的是HMO license+ selective license。 符合selective license的不见得够得上HMO license的要求

这里澄清下,HMO的房子不一定需要license,只要不属于large HMO-5个人或以上 或 3层楼或以上。

普通HMO只需要申请planning,从c3 single dwelling 转到c4 HMO,之前在其他贴里就已经提过。


Housing Act 2004 要求的是同时符合这三个条件必须申请HMO license: 1)5人或以上; 2)超过两层楼高 3)超过一个家庭居住。
从Planning Permission来说 C3用途(私宅,单一家庭)转 C4 (私宅,多个家庭)是默认许可的,不需要上报。除非房子在A4 (article 4)地区内,这就必须报。 这个和HMO是两回事。
Selective License 是地方政府附加的小规则。比如Croydon, Lewisham 还有这个Worcester 要求超过3人住就要报,这是一个额外的条款



那这么说交税跑不了了,跟HMO license没两样

是否交税(income tax)又是完全不同的系。
local borough council 收差饷税 (council tax)
local borough council 收牌照费 (HMO licenses,selective licences)
local borough council planning office 收 Planning permission 工作咨询费

不好意思,我看的是Nottingham 的guidance note,c3转c4的默认许可已经失效了,现在只要每个local council执行new planning rules related to HMOs,几乎都要申请planning。

article 4 主要是针对high saturation student let area,也就是一般都是在学校附近的区域或者市中心。在planning费用上唯一区别就是,article 4 area免费,其它地区一律按照常规收费。



房子自己住的话 是不用搞这些的,是吧?



不是有不少人都是这么干的么?偷着往外租。 {:5_135:}