
英国(西欧)第一家中英双语私校Kensington Ward 2017年在肯辛顿开张,Nursery(招两岁三岁孩子)4月份入学,Reception Class(4岁)9月份入学。

学校网站 http://www.kensingtonwade.com/

School that teaches every lesson in Chinese as well as English to open in Kensington next year

The first school in Britain to teach all its lessons in Chinese as well as English is to open in September next year in west London.

The “immersive” dual language school in Kensington aims to marry the best of the two countries’ educational cultures to help London youngsters pick up the notoriously difficult language from an early age.

The founders say they hope pupils at the private prep school, where fees will be around £5000 a term, will flourish in a post-Brexit world where China has “a strong influence on business, politics and international affairs.”

The school, called Kensington Wade, will accommodate up to 200 pupils aged from three to 13.

Co-founder and China expert at the University of Westminster Professor Hugo de Burgh said he hoped a majority would be British but expected also to attract the children of Chinese ex-pats in London as well as those of other foreign families based in the capital.

Initially pupils will learn lessons entirely in Chinese followed by the same lesson in English “to reinforce what they have learned in both languages.”

Professor de Burgh, who founded the school with Adrian Richardson, principal of the Cothill Trust group of schools, said British children had much to learn from Chinese teaching methods that promote concentration, focus and clarity of thought.

Chinese is considered hard to learn in part because of the three to four thousand characters that have to be memorized.

Equally many Chinese parents admired traditional English emphasis on developing initiative and fostering a broad cultural education that includes sports and the arts.

As well as dual language education the school will also immerse children in Chinese culture by including martial arts as part of the PE lessons, calligraphy in the arts programme and the Chinese learning technique of “maths mastery.”

Professor de Burgh said: “Many Chinese professionals who come here love the thought of their children going to British universities but don’t want them to lose their Chinese culture and language.” There is currently no mainstream Chinese language school in London.

The first headmistress will be Laura Marani, a former head at Pembridge Hall School for Girls in Notting Hill and founding principal of the bi-lingual La Scuola Italiana a Londra in Holland Park.

Kensington Wade will be housed in a £16 million new school built as part of developer Berkeley’s 375 Kensington High Street apartments scheme and will share facilities, including a huge subterranean sports hall, with a new offshoot of the West London Free School.

Professor de Burgh said: “I am delighted to be opening the first immersion dual language English Chinese school in Western Europe and to be able to offer children the opportunity to be educated in two wonderful cultures and education systems.

"We will instil in our pupils a thirst for enterprise, initiative and creativity balanced with academic excellence, social skills and high cultural empathy.”

Babes among dragons: Ambitious parents give their children a start in Mandarin



5K不行,马上新规出来了,这学校必须去hackey 开一个对口互帮inner city 学校 也得教中文:您吃了吗,这是啥?银联卡。





已经招到校长了,Laura Marani,她以前是Notting Hill的Pembridge Hall School的校长,这是个牛私校,这样看起来还是有不少人看好这个双语学校的。

Pembridge 是个女校,说明Marani 没有管理混校和男校的经验啊

到Pembridge之前Marani是2011年成立的La Scuola Italiana a Londra首任校长,这是意英双语小学男女混校,在good school guide的list上。 {:5_137:}

应该说有经验,但也可能是一个地方干不下去换个地方忽悠。 {:5_142:}


离王思聪同学家不远啊 {:5_137:}


