
新手买二手车,上autotrade 看,有cat c 或者cat d 的车是不是不能买?谢谢大家给点建议

珍爱生命远离cat c or d !其他的给不了太多建议,自己喜欢啥就买喽

远离cat c吧,cat d有些还可以的,只是cosmetic damage不影响使用

谢谢楼上的建议,现在知道怎么做了 {:5_142:}

分情况,如果是1-2年的新车,看到cat d就walk away。如果是10年新旧车,可能换个bumper就是cat d。无所谓的

最好表买, 安全性难说, 另外以后也不好卖

我在autotrader上看到个玛莎拉蒂,才两年新就已经cat D了,还敢要价55000,我去他大爷的……:lol

有可能是stolen car. 所以是 Cat D。玛莎拉蒂这种车,小修一下就好多钱。而且拆了卖零件,比整车还值钱,所以卖的贵不奇怪。

我还见过一辆保时捷,因为进了点水,托到garage不知道怎么打开前盖换电池被cat D了。。。结果挂出来卖一天就被人秒杀了。

CAT - C 是 cosmetic 的意思?
CAT - D 是 damaged 的意思?


Category A

Scrap only. For cars so badly damaged they should be crushed and never re-appear on the road. Even salvageable parts must be destroyed.
Category B

Body shell should be crushed. Signifies extensive damage, although some parts are salvageable. Should never re-appear on road, although reclaimed parts can be used in other road-going vehicles.
Category C

The vehicle is repairable but the costs exceed the vehicle’s value. Can re-appear on road. Read more.
Category D

The vehicle is repairable but repair costs are significant compared to the vehicle value – including time delays to source parts. Can re-appear on road. Read more.

The ABI Salvage Code dictates that Category A and Category B cars should be crushed, with Cat B vehicles allowed to donate some safe and serviceable parts.

However, write-offs in the latter two categories can be sold on by the insurance company, either to the original owner or to a third party via a car salvage company. Cars written off as a Category C case, according to the ABI’s Salvage Code, “require a Vehicle Identity Check (VIC) before a V5C registration certificate is re-issued by the DVLA.” The VIC is carried out by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) (formerly VOSA).

As no notifications are made to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) or VOSA when a car is written off in a Category D situation, the vehicle is not subject to a VIC before it is allowed back on the road – just make sure the repair work has been carried out to a safe and satisfactory standard.

Cars in the latter two categories can sometimes represent a bargain, if they are priced accordingly. An older car can be repaired to an acceptable standard at a lower cost than that dictated by an insurance company’s standards – especially if used parts or cheaper labour are used.


听起来ABCD都不能买啊, 还有EFG。。。吗? 应该买哪个CATERGARY?

本人即将硕士毕业,低价出自用二手车。奔驰C180,08年自动挡。 有需要的话,可以加微信 细聊: azxcvgb