东西伦敦的碰撞,Richmond Park"朋友"想用法律来终止Stradford正在建的42层高档居民楼!

London mayor urged to act over tower that ‘compromises’ St Paul’s view

虽然距离10英里,从Richmond可以很清楚的看到圣保罗大教堂,这一条10个mile的view是被法律保护的,不允许建房种树挡住。前段时间Richmond Park Friends的人突然发现,在Stradford正在建的一个42层高档居民楼在圣保罗大教堂背后冒出来完全破坏了view,估计审批planning permission的时候没有人注意到这个问题吧,现在开发商有planning permission所以他们的楼是合法的,但这个楼房确实破坏了被法律保护的view,两边在较上劲了,现在就看Citizen Khan有没有办法找出一个调和方案了。

Friends of Richmond Park charity wants Sadiq Khan to halt construction of Manhattan Loft Gardens in Stratford。Sadiq Khan is being urged to halt the construction of a skyscraper because it mars a centuries-old view of St Paul’s Cathedral.

Conservationists are calling on the London mayor to take action against a 42-storey tower in Stratford, east London, which they say damages the view of Sir Christopher Wren’s landmark from King Henry’s Mound in Richmond Park.

The charity Friends of Richmond Park has written to Khan urging him to halt the construction of Manhattan Loft Gardens, designed by SOM and described on its website as “Europe’s most ambitious residential tower”. It comprises three extensive sky gardens, a 145-bedroom hotel, almost 250 residential units, and retail and restaurant space.
SOM’s proposed 42-storey mixed-use skyscraper by Stratford station, near the Olympic Park in east London.
SOM’s proposed 42-storey mixed-use skyscraper by Stratford station, near the Olympic Park in east London. Photograph: Architect’s Journal

The charity said current planning rules should have protected the view, which has existed for more than 300 years and draws crowds of visitors to Richmond Park. Under the capital’s overarching planning document the London Plan, the London view management framework (LVMF) states that any development in the background of St Paul’s should be “subordinate to the cathedral and that the clear sky background profile of the upper part of the dome remains”.

However, photographs released by Friends of Richmond Park show that the emerging skyscraper in Stratford is clearly visible behind the cathedral. A clear strategy on tall buildings is the only way to control developers

The charity said on its website: “The new development clearly and substantially compromises the profile of the whole of the dome of St Paul’s and, for almost the entire east side of the building, the clear sky background is obliterated.”

Its chairman, Ron Crompton, said in a statement: “It is a tragedy that such a wonderful and iconic protected view, between two of London’s most historic landmarks and created over 300 years ago, should be destroyed not just for today but for many years to come.”

Crompton’s letter to Khan calls for an urgent investigation into how GLA officers allowed the proposal to win planning, in contravention of the LVMF. He has also called for the housing and planning minister Gavin Barwell to ensure that future applications relating to the sight line are referred to English Heritage and the mayor.
Is the only way up for London’s skyline?

Historic England, the UK’s statutory adviser on heritage, has also protested against the development and said it was not consulted. Its London planning director, Emily Gee, told the Architects’ Journal (AJ): “In the wrong places, tall buildings can do serious, irrevocable harm to important views and the special character of London.

“We are very concerned that this has happened and see it as a failing of the current approach to the planning for tall buildings.”

The AJ reports that the planning application for the tower was referred to the GLA in 2010 by the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA), which was acting as the planning authority in the run-up to the London Olympics.

A spokeswoman for the Manhattan Loft Corporation told the Guardian the developer went through a transparent and public process to gain planning permission, adding that that maps of the LVMF protected view indicated that the background area to be protected beyond St Paul’s was 3km (1.86 miles) long whereas its tower was 7km (4.35 miles) beyond.

“Throughout the planning process we found the GLA and all the other planning bodies to be very supportive for such an aspirational residential project,” the spokeswoman said. “As planning approval was achieved [on] 18 July 2011, we were never asked about the LVMF background view impact.

“However, SOM has a long history of working with the St Paul’s view corridors and the more recent London Plan LVMF document.

“We would recommend that the King Henry VIII’s Mound also be illustrated as seen from the naked eye where the distance to St Paul’s Cathedral is 15.5km (and Manhattan Loft Gardens is an additional 7km beyond).”

A spokesman for Khan said: “We are currently looking into the issues involved with this development.”



从这两点一线的两侧看过去的话,似乎影响不大,和希斯罗扩建一样,少数和多数的原则而已,不过按照近些年的发展趋势,老建筑被各种tower包围是早晚的事儿,起码被luxury tower包围总比被tower block包围好。

看人发财都是眼红的。在英国做开发,小到扩建花园房,大到建big tower,如果没人反对反而奇怪了。




如果确实违法,Council是有权改动planning permission的,开发商可以起诉Council.如果Council不作为,里士满之友可以直接起诉到法院要求强制停建。

东伦敦建大批的现代化高楼,搞的好就是东伦敦成了现代化的新伦敦中心,搞不好就走向贫民区化,如果大批国际银行把它们的European headquarters搬离伦敦那后一种结果的风险就加大了。


EU那边虽然在开门等着投资银行们进门,不过人家还有个小算盘是进门后就先关门再亮小刀,开始收 FTT(Financial Transactions Tax)

When the UK voted to leave the European Union in June, many believed the EU might actually benefit in some ways, particularly in relation to business shifting from an uncertain UK. That outlook may have been turned rather on its head recently when some EU finance ministers agreed on October 10 to put forth a proposal to impose a financial transaction tax on trading.



这楼估计还得建,只不过工期要拖延一下,发permission的人写一个condition report,这事儿就不了了之了。

不是任何一个地方看,是在里士满公园的一个小山包上看圣保罗,伦敦一共有10几个protected view,其它的比如说从Alexander palace看圣保罗。。。其它城市比如爱丁堡更多protected view。

龙哥,planning permission是不是COUNCIL 颁发的呢?如果是,而且有足够人数的社区居民集体法对的话,那地方的议会有没有权力推翻这个政府的决议呢?我一直想搞明白地方议会和政府的关系,望您解答一下,谢谢!


从planning来说,planning law是中央议会制定的,地方的council具体批application的时候必须在planning law的框架内,但是law没有把所有事情都规定死了,这样的话地方议会在法律的框架内做出一些具体规定,council在批的时候按照这些规定执行。

居民反对当然可以反对,但反对的要有正当理由才行,违反planning law的事情肯定办不了,法律不可能所有细节都规定到,在没有法律条款可依据的时候那就得依靠法律的精神了。

OK, 但是举这个具体事件而言,地方议会会去考虑那些反对者的声音吗?假如说地方议会许多议员认为反对者说得对,那么他们可不可以给local council下达撤销planning permission的要求呢?谢谢。

议会只有立法权没有行政权,议会是不可能干涉政府的行政决定的。planning permission不会轻易被撤销的,这一个case不管大家现在多么反对,开发商有planning permission它做的事情是合法的,要被撤销只有通过法院审理决定是不是违反了planning law,感觉这个case最好的结果就是当初批planning permisdion的伦敦市长给楼没有盖成的部分有一些修改建议。