
building survey里关于masonry walls built on suspended timber floor:

The building has a suspended timber upper floor.
The floor joists have sagged and distorted over the years and the floors are slightly uneven, particularly in the first floor hallway.
There are several masonry walls built up off the suspended timber floors, including the hallway walls. The floors have sagged slightly under the weight of these walls and the door heads are slightly out of true leading into the left hand and rear bedrooms but this is not considered to be a major structural cause for concern, and is common in properties of this style.

基本就是在木梁结构的楼板上建的砖墙,而且有那么部分墙,在ground floor对应的位置是没有墙在下面的。现在木梁稍微有点弯,按照上面的说法是不严重,也不算结构问题。 我看网上介绍这种masonry walls built on suspended timber floor的建筑方式是可以的,但是需要有beams或者增加joists的尺寸。这个当时做survey的时候不能掀开楼板或者ceiling看,现在也不能确认。

如果survey说不是结构问题,我是不是不能作为讲价的依据? 就这样买的话,需要不需要找结构工程师来打开楼板看看,确认一下有没有额外的支撑,没有的话趁着装修加几根横梁?