有住在east finchley或者Marylebone的人嘛

感觉作为family的start两者相比如何?求讲讲你们的体验吧 {:5_136:}

I would choose Hampstead instead.



Marylbone能买到很不错3 bed 公寓但是在hampstead感觉只能买到鬼屋… 哈哈哈

East finchley有一条世界上最贵的街Bishop avenue,没有之一。买房尽量往这条街上靠就好。这条街秒杀整个伦敦{:5_137:}

开车绕的时候看见啦 堪称beverly hills啊!

try south hampstead, between finchley road station and swiss cottage on the west side of finchley road. Super convenient, having waitrose, big Sainsbury, Japanese and Korean supermarket, japanese bakery. Transport link is super

West hampstead is good too.

swiss cottage和st johns wood都好

确实都是为数不多的绿洲啊 据说st john是新贵们喜欢去的地方

south hampstead不错 就是被红色包围的滴水不漏了快 我现在纠结是hampstead/finchley 还是baker street附近

梦想就是能在hamsptead安家哇 {:5_148:}