
As the 40 most British traits are revealed, how many of them do you recognise in yourself?


  • Wearing summer clothing at the first sight of sun (刚刚有点太阳就穿上了夏天衣服)
  • Apologising automatically     (没事老道歉)
  • Ability to talk at length about the weather   (可以聊天气聊个没完没了)
  • Making a cup of tea in response to a crisis   (不管什么危机,先泡杯茶再说)
  • Finding queue-jumping the ultimate crime  (认为插队(夹塞)是严重的恶行
  • Forming a queue for pretty much anything  (什么事都可以整出排一队)
  • The typically British ‘stiff upper lip’  (金口难开)
  • Grumbling throughout a meal, but not telling staff so as not to cause a fuss  (饭菜不好处嘟嘟喃喃的吃完,为了不争吵不和餐馆员工说。)
  • Making sarcastic/dry jokes (爱讲冷笑话)
  • Having a beer at the airport even though it’s before 8am  (在机场候机室一定要整杯啤酒不管它还是早8点以前)
  • Giggling at innuendos   (用傻笑对待旁敲侧击含沙射影)
  • Making a cup of tea when you have no time to drink it  (没有时间喝也要泡杯茶)
  • Getting sunburnt on the first warm day of the year  (一年来刚刚有点暖和的第一天就被晒爆皮了)
  • Finding the American forwardness ‘a bit much’     (认为美国人的直接太过火了)
  • Avoiding eye contact on the tube (地毯里面避免眼光接触)
  • Binge drinking at the weekends  (周末喝烂酒)
  • Insisting the other person goes through the door first (坚持让别人先进门)
  • Searching for a fry-up when on holiday abroad   (到国外度假的时候也要找大油炸的英式早餐)
  • Mistaking brightness for warmth      (经常把阳光误认为暖和)
  • Finding nothing better than a bacon sandwich  (认为培根三明治是天下第一美食)
  • Not asking for help so as not to ‘put anyone out’   (为避免麻烦别人帮助自己而不寻求别人的帮助)
  • Insisting the barbecue will still go on despite rain   (下雨也要坚持继续烧烤)
  • Bringing out fancy biscuits on a plate for visitors  (端一盘高大上的饼干招待客人)
  • Feeling extremely patriotic during sports events  (运动比赛的时候特别爱国)
  • Indulging in a pint and a packet of crisps (用一杯啤酒一包土豆片给自己一些小满足)
  • Reading newspapers in the morning  (早餐时候看报纸)
  • Feeling at home to the tune of EastEnders or Coronation Street  (听到肥皂剧Easter End和Coronation Street的插曲就觉得到家了)
  • Wearing extra layers rather than putting the heating on   (冬天在家宁可多家一层衣服也不调高暖气)
  • Feeling appreciative that the person in front put the ‘next customer’ barrier on the conveyor belt (在超市收银台,对前面的人在传送带上放上下个顾客的牌子很感激)
  • Doing anything possible for a light tan (为了在皮肤上搞点夏天的颜色什么都可以做)
  • Owning a picnic hamper but only ever using it once a year  (就算一年才用一次也要用有野餐的全套装备)
  • Starting a controversial statement with ‘I’m not being funny, but...’    (在讲一个有争议的问题时候开场白是说我不是故意找茬)
  • Being vague about your plans rather than decline an invitation (对别人的邀请不是明确拒绝而是绕弯人别人摸不清他有什么计划)
  • Thanking someone when you’ve done them a favour   (自己帮了别人也会要说感谢别人)
  • Not correcting someone when they pronounce your name wrong (不纠正别人说自己名字时候的发音错误)
  • Loving your cat/dog more than your child  (爱别人的猫和狗胜过爱别人的孩子)
  • Searching your pockets when asked for spare change  (问他有没有零钱他就乱摸口袋)
  • Feeling extreme excitement over a Sunday roast dinner  (一听到星期天烤肉午餐就激动)
  • Having mixed feelings towards the ill colleague who is still coming to work  (对带病坚持工作的同事感情复杂)
  • Being skilled in writing a letter of complaint  (特别善长写抱怨信)


What are characteristics of British people?世界人民对英国人的印象。

According to a 2014 questionnaire conducted by the British Council, British people are most recognized for their good manners, sense of humor, love of alcohol, pride in their country and unappetizing cuisine. People complained in the survey that the British are also ignorant of cultures outside their own and are intolerant of non-British people. Alternatively, they are considered to be friendly, well-educated and law-abiding.

Additional negative and somewhat contradictory impressions cited in the survey are that British people are rude, unfriendly, lazy, pessimistic and too nationalistic. Chris Green from The Independent explains that many misconceptions exist about British people and their culture, especially the notion that they are all heavy drinkers and that their food is horrible. These beliefs are thought to adversely effect Britain’s tourism industry and as of 2014, the British Council is working to combat any unfavorable stereotypes people hold toward British people in hopes that the country can attract more visitors and international business. The British Council is especially concerned with maintaining the country’s reputation, considering the exposure that it receives through the rising popularity of social media. The interconnectedness of the global population has taken power from the British government and placed it in the hands of businesses, domestic citizens and international movement groups.




这里没有说好还是不好,只是说有这些特征。 {:5_137:}


Banker 们才不lazy

Finding nothing better than a bacon sandwich {:5_137:}

印象当中英国人是最小气的人 {:5_133:}




Ed Miliband begs to differ


英国人动不动就赚几个million呢, 为毛那么小气啊?
我邻居还帮他在挪威找做IT的工作, (结果面试下来没觉得他胜任)
他来吃也就算了, 一个鸡毛小礼物也没带
减头曼个鸟啊 {:5_135:}


你误解, 俺不是开餐馆的
他上我家邻居做客, 被我邻居邀请来我家蹭饭



他就不应该吃啊 {:5_141:}

Making a cup of tea in response to a crisis
Making sarcastic/dry jokes
Giggling at innuendos
Mistaking brightness for warmth
Feeling appreciative that the person in front put the ‘next customer’ barrier on the conveyor belt
Not correcting someone when they pronounce your name wrong
Feeling extreme excitement over a Sunday roast dinner


ps, a pint and a packet of crisps (preferably walker sensations Thai sweet chilli flavour) - a match made in heaven,


All of below, lol, 28 out of 40 in total

Wearing summer clothing at the first sight of sun (刚刚有点太阳就穿上了夏天衣服)

Apologising automatically (没事老道歉)

Ability to talk at length about the weather (可以聊天气聊个没完没了)

Finding queue-jumping the ultimate crime (认为插队(夹塞)是严重的恶行

Forming a queue for pretty much anything (什么事都可以整出排一队)

Grumbling throughout a meal, but not telling staff so as not to cause a fuss (饭菜不好处嘟嘟喃喃的吃完,为了不争吵不和餐馆员工说。)

Making sarcastic/dry jokes (爱讲冷笑话)

Giggling at innuendos (用傻笑对待旁敲侧击含沙射影)

Finding the American forwardness ‘a bit much’ (认为美国人的直接太过火了)

Avoiding eye contact on the tube (地毯里面避免眼光接触)

Binge drinking at the weekends (周末喝烂酒)

Insisting the other person goes through the door first (坚持让别人先进门)

Mistaking brightness for warmth (经常把阳光误认为暖和)

Finding nothing better than a bacon sandwich (认为培根三明治是天下第一美食)

Not asking for help so as not to ‘put anyone out’ (为避免麻烦别人帮助自己而不寻求别人的帮助)

Insisting the barbecue will still go on despite rain (下雨也要坚持继续烧烤)

Bringing out fancy biscuits on a plate for visitors (端一盘高大上的饼干招待客人)

Indulging in a pint and a packet of crisps (用一杯啤酒一包土豆片给自己一些小满足)

Feeling appreciative that the person in front put the ‘next customer’ barrier on the conveyor belt (在超市收银台,对前面的人在传送带上放上下个顾客的牌子很感激)

Owning a picnic hamper but only ever using it once a year (就算一年才用一次也要用有野餐的全套装备)

Starting a controversial statement with ‘I’m not being funny, but…’ (在讲一个有争议的问题时候开场白是说我不是故意找茬)

Being vague about your plans rather than decline an invitation (对别人的邀请不是明确拒绝而是绕弯人别人摸不清他有什么计划)

Thanking someone when you’ve done them a favour (自己帮了别人也会要说感谢别人)

Not correcting someone when they pronounce your name wrong (不纠正别人说自己名字时候的发音错误)

Loving your cat/dog more than your child (爱别人的猫和狗胜过爱别人的孩子)

Searching your pockets when asked for spare change (问他有没有零钱他就乱摸口袋)

Feeling extreme excitement over a Sunday roast dinner (一听到星期天烤肉午餐就激动)

Being skilled in writing a letter of complaint (特别善长写抱怨信)
