请问下, renewing房屋还需要交中介费的吗?

RT, 房子6月29号到期, 问了下中介, 她说的我有点看不懂啥意思:

When you moved In to the property you paid your full 12 months rent upfront. This would be on your referencing and this would be the condition of signing another contract whether it is periodic or fixed. If you would like to go periodic I will need to take a referencing payment so we know you can afford to pay monthly rather than upfront. As you paid your rent upfront last time you will need to do this again this month or you will need to be re referenced to pay monthly and this will be £180.00.

因为我是跟她说我会再租2-3个月, 想要按月付, 所以我不知道她的periodic到底是指我这种得交中介费还是不用,而且她说的pay monthly需要180镑中介费… 有点晕.


这个不是中介费…是一个第三方的test…看你的收入能否afford monthly payment…如果不做这个referencing…就必须12个月one-off payment…

原来如此, 谢谢. 我下意识的把referencing的钱理解为中介费了,我还想这个词用的好奇怪呢…没见过这么用的啊.

草拟了下回信: I would like to renew my contract for another three months and am happy to pay three months rent upfront. Is it possible to not pay the referencing fee of 180 pounds or have a deduction on referencing fee? I have been a good tenant and will pay all three months rent in advance. Thanks

你看这样可以吗? 我直接一次性付三个月租金, 这样就不用再交那个referencing的费用了吧?

contract renew的费用很正常,不过搞个reference check就charge 180有点宰人。
