

The walls of the original property are constructed of solid masonry (sandstone and brick) and have a coating of render externally.

The render on the front elevation is the original, whilst the rear wall has, at some time in the past, been re-rendered and painted.

General crazing was noted in the render, especially on the front elevation and there are also settlement cracks above the window and door openings, although the extent of this movement is not considered unusual or excessive. It is also likely there will be some hollow and blown sections of render, especiallyon the front elevation at higher levels and obviously, when redecoration is undertaken, this should receive attention.

The original outside walls of this property would have constructed without, what is
considered nowadays, to be an appropriate damp-proof course (DPC).
A DPC is considered essential to help prevent dampness rising from the ground.
Moisture meter testing was undertaken internally and high readings were recorded
on the rear elevation wall in the living room.
Enquiries should be made into the availability of an existing guarantee for dampproofing,
as this will require further rectification works.
If the works cannot be undertaken with the benefit of an existing guarantee, then
you should instruct a contractor to report on the full extent of the problem and
provide a quotation for remedial works. (Condition Rating 3)
It is possible that part of the problem at the rear is caused by the garden wall being
in contact with the rear wall of the main building.
The walls of the extension are constructed in block with an air gap between the
inside and outside faces (called a cavity wall).
Your legal adviser should confirm Planning Consent and Building Regulation
Approval for this extension, although, given its age, records may no longer be
available from the local authority.
The walls mainly have a coating of cement render, although there is some
blockwork visible on the rear wall, which would have been impossible to finish, due
to the narrow gap between the extension and main retaining wall. This is not
considered to be a significant issue, due to the sheltered location.
No evidence of any serious movement or on-going problems were noted with the
extension at the time of inspection.
The extension walls have been constructed with a plastic strip damp-proof course,
which is visible externally. No problems

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G1. 电表太高。联系供电公司,他们免费给你降1 foot。如果不给免费,直接换公司edf is给免费。电表位置不是大问题。smoke control 并不必须是wired。可以买不是wired 装电池的。那也几十棒的事儿。如果你就偏想装wired。那需要凿墙或者走天花板,具体情况具体分析。电工一天人工 非伦敦£200-£250就可以找到很多了。然后需要plaster。plasterer一天£150-£200 可以做四面墙左右 (4x3m). Electricity safety test £75-£90就可以啦。

E1. 这个需要scaffolding 地区不同 答得位置不同价格不同。不好估计。准备£600应该v 片差不多。修理chimney stack或者demolish 价格浮动大 多找几个看看。大概区间要£1000 上。但这个是shared 你要问邻居。

看描述是比较老的房子, 这些都是常见问题。damp proof可贵可便宜 看你想怎么做。tanking 25kg也就几十棒。plasterboard也没多少钱,insulation 也不是特别贵 但是你要是找人做 他们会要高价 看面积多大了。有人就拿枪打进去。多找几个报价的。

如果你没有什么经验,建议别买这种房子用来让出租。hmo申请。safety check什么的很多地方需要做 费劲。不懂 还会被忽悠 多花钱

这个房子HMO 刚刚更新的


我们这边council 要求smoke alarm 至少是radio link 的,radio link 就要wired,其实很简单,直接接到天花板灯座上。hmo很麻烦,不建议做,每周都要测试fire alarm,会烦死你!

这个房子自己刚刚更新了5年的HMO ,这个不用担心