『热情打造』-英语常用句子2.0版 580页,1万句!


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[ 编辑 ssnzh 在 06-11-01 14:09 ]

Hav u finish decorating ur post???

So nice…very kind of u to share ur gallery with us…heheh…Thx…! ssnzh…

and btw,nice song " u Good"

于 2004-12-23 22:02, yi_iy 写:

Hav u finish decorating ur post???

So nice…very kind of u to share ur gallery with us…heheh…Thx…! ssnzh…

and btw,nice song " u Good"


[ 编辑者 ssnzh 于日期 13Apr05 ]

will be, always will , dont’ worry about that…

i am waiting for u finishing ur decorating…hehe…

i like this post ,especially the song


[ 编辑 ssnzh 在 05-07-13 16:19 ]

So Great! You are so nice!

这个帖子太经典了!!! 谢谢

于 2004-12-23 22:53, Neosun 写:

这个帖子太经典了!!! :love: :love: 谢谢


你的签名也够有形的。 :lol:


于 2004-12-23 22:19, jing 写:

i like this post ,especially the song

I can't agree more

listen to this...


于 2004-12-23 23:13, DiagonalMatrix 写:


Thank u so much for sharing this with us

于 2004-12-23 23:41, brokenheartfish 写:

Thank u so much for sharing this with us

NO problem

I like this song very much, where can I download it. what’s name of this song?

于 2004-12-24 01:22, holosmydarling 写:

I like this song very much, where can I download it. what’s name of this song?


而且不知道你说的是which song?

于 2004-12-24 01:39, ssnzh 写:

于 2004-12-24 01:22, holosmydarling 写:

I like this song very much, where can I download it. what’s name of this song?


而且不知道你说的是which song?


你这贴一发, 我们以后到哪里找东西来发了啊