有谁是学business law的进来帮帮忙!!!

现在正在写LAW 的论文,不知道有没有人写过这个案例的

Francovich Cases 6/90 and 9/90 [1991] ECR I 5357, [193] 2CMLR 66

Prior to the “Francovich” decision, there was no right to an award of damages against the state for an individual who had suffered a loss as the result of the non¬implementation of a directive by the Member State.

Explain this statement regarding issues of the supremacy of EU Law and the concept of direct and indirect effect, and analyse subsequent case law to clarify how the ECJ decisions have developed this concept of state liability and the entitlement to damages.

[ 编辑 cotton1984 在 08-04-16 16:16 ]


不过要收费的~~~ 绝非骗人的 如是骗人你内行人聊几句就知道