
Tier 1 (General) to close overseas and new interim limit set for Tier 2 (General)

21 December 2010

The UK Border Agency has announced that it will stop accepting Tier 1 (General) applications made overseas from 23 December 2010. This is to ensure that we do not exceed the limit set by the government for issued Tier 1 (General) applications between 19 July 2010 and April 2011.

Tier 1 (General) overseas will not reopen for applications. Tier 1 (General) in the UK will remain open until 5 April 2011.

Following a court judgement on Friday, the government has also set a limit until 5 April 2011 on the number of certificates of sponsorship that are available to licensed Tier 2 sponsors under Tier 2 (General). The level of the limit will be 10,832, and the changes will take place immediately.

The changes are set out in a new Statement of changes to the Immigration Rules (HC 698).

You can find Damian Green’s written ministerial statement setting out the changes under ‘Related documents’ on the right side of this page.


看来保守党还真够强硬的,既然法院说T1 G海外申请临时限额是违法的,他就索性直接关闭T1 G的海外申请,够阴狠


Damian Green讲话全文(一)
Changes to the Immigration Rules
The Minister of State for Immigration (Damian Green): I am today laying
before the House a Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules pertaining to
Tier 1 and Tier 2 of the Points Based System. Copies of which will be available from
the Vote Office.
On 28 June the Home Secretary announced in the House of Commons that the
Government would introduce an interim limit on economic migration in anticipation
of the introduction of a permanent limit in April 2011. This limit applied to out-ofcountry
main applicants to Tier 1 (General) between 19 July 2010 and April 2011 and
numbers entering through this route would be equal to those entering in the
equivalent period for 2009/10. The limit also applied to number of migrants who
can be offered jobs by sponsor employers through Tier 2 (General). This route was
to be reduced in the interim period by 1,300 migrants, the equivalent of a 5%
reduction across the relevant routes of Tiers 1 and 2.
The first of the changes in the Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules will
close the Tier 1 (General) category of the Immigration Rules to persons applying
from outside the United Kingdom. I am taking this step as a result of the volume of
applications that have been received since 19 July 2010, the date I set the interim
limit on Tier 1 General.
The second of these changes, specifying the level of the Tier 2 (General) interim limit
in the Immigration Rules, is being made to take account of the Divisional Court
judgement of 17 December 2010 in the cases brought by the Joint Council for the
Welfare of Immigrants and the English Community Care Association. The Divisional
Court determined that in order for the Government’s interim limit policy to have
legal effect the level of the limit should be specified in the Immigration Rules, as
opposed to UK Border Agency guidance.
The Statement of Changes remedies the matter. The interim limit on Tier 2
(General) will apply from 21 December 2010 until 5 April 2011. The level of the
limit is [10,678] and will apply to the number of Certificates of Sponsorship available
to licensed Tier 2 (General) sponsors. The changes will take effect immediately to
ensure that employers and other users of the UK’s immigration system have certainty
about its operation. I would welcome the opportunity to debate these Immigration
Rules changes should Members choose to pray against the Statement of Changes.
The Home Secretary has been granted a certificate to appeal; either directly to the
Supreme Court if it grants permission or, if not, to the Court of Appeal.
Tier 1 General will be closed to out of country applications because of the number of
applications that have been received since 19 July 2010. The route is not being
closed in response to the Divisional Court’s decision.

Damian Green讲话全文(二)
The Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules laid before Parliament on 28
June 2010 was constructed to provide for the application of interim limits on the
number of applications for entry clearance granted under the Tier 1 (General)
category. Under the Immigration Rules as amended by the changes made on 19 July
applications over and above this upper interim limit would be rolled over for
consideration in a subsequent grant period. However, as the Home Secretary
announced to Parliament on 23 November, the Government has decided Tier 1
(General) route will not continue in its current form and will be refocused as a route
aimed at entrepreneurs, investors and the exceptionally talented. This means that
there will be no additional allocation of places under the Tier 1 (General) category
under which rolled over applications could be considered once the current interim
limit is reached.
We should not continue to accept applications under the existing route if they cannot
be granted once the current interim limit is reached. We expect, taking into account
current trends in applications and refusal rates, the interim limit to be reached
imminently. The Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules therefore removes
existing provision for the granting of entry clearance in the Tier 1 (General) category.
I regret that, given the difficulty in anticipating the date on which the interim limit
would be reached, it has not been possible to observe the usual convention of laying
such a Statement of Changes before Parliament 21 days in advance of its entry into
force. I also wish to clarify that the numerical limit applied to Tier 1 applications
under the interim limit is 5,100 and not 5,400 as the Merits of Statutory Instruments
Committee has previously been informed. The latter figure was the limit that would
have applied if interim limits had commenced on 1 July 2010, whereas in fact they
commenced on 19 July 2010.
This change is effective from 23 December and applications for entry clearance as a
Tier 1 (General) migrant made on or after that date will not be accepted.
Applications for entry clearance as a Tier 1 (General) migrant made before that date
will still be considered against the existing Immigration Rules. These changes do not
apply to those who have existing leave in the Tier 1 (General) category and require an
extension of stay, nor do they apply to those presently in the United Kingdom in
another category of stay and are applying for a variation of leave as a Tier 1 (General)
As noted above, Tier 1 of the Points Based System will be redesigned to make
enhanced provision for entrepreneurs and investors and to incorporate new
provisions for the exceptionally talented. This will ensure that Tier 1 continues to
offer a route for those who are able to make the greatest economic contribution to
the United Kingdom. These changes will be introduced in April next year and I will
announce the detail of these new arrangements to parliament in due course.


疯了,那国内的怎么申请啊??? 我现在还在用visit visa参加毕业典礼,准备2月回去申请PSW,现在这么改,我又不能用旅游签在这转,怎么办??? 崩溃


不过, 之前申请的人,应该是全都可以了。。。
限制是不合法的, 所以。。。 之前符合条件的人, 应该全都可以的。。。

写的很清楚啊,就是Tier 1 (General) 国内不能申请了, PSW国内还是可以的。


看他们怎么对付tier 1/2的人,就能联想到他之后会怎么对付psw的人,能申请的人尽快申请~别拖到1月31号之后。天杀的白痴政府天天给我玩立刻执行:x

看他们怎么对付tier 1/2的人,就能联想到他之后会怎么对付psw的人,然后是永居,十年取消.


我想问问,你认为保守党政府那里违反了人权和法律? 我记得你正在申请十年永居,这个是基于人权法而来 …




你敢说李贞驹是骗子? 这么多资深律师事务所都认为十年会取消,这说明了有道理.要警惕啊!
不要忘了梅的誓言:彻底改变移民体系, 学生和短期工作不能移民.
我希望你好好分析一下, 现在bbc都好知道一旦所有门关死板学生只有在等十年, 梅难道不知道?


