

13 July 2011

The government has today announced proposals to crack down on sham and forced marriages, as part of a new consultation on better family migration.

The consultation also seeks to ensure that family migrants can integrate into society, and opens up debate on Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights and the circumstances where the public interest in removing someone from the UK should outweigh the right to respect for family life.

The consultation focuses on stopping abuse, promoting integration and reducing burdens on the taxpayer. Its key proposals include:

defining more clearly what constitutes a genuine and continuing marriage, to help identify sham and forced marriages;
introducing a new minimum income threshold for sponsors of partners and dependants, to ensure that family migrants are adequately supported as a basis for integration - the independent Migration Advisory Committee has been asked to advise on what the threshold should be;
extending the probationary period before partners can apply for settlement in the UK from 2 years to 5 years, to test that relationships are genuine and to encourage integration into British life;
requiring partners and adult dependants aged under 65 to demonstrate that they can understand everyday English (B1 level on the Common European Framework for Languages) when they apply for settlement;
exploring the case for making ‘sham’ a lawful impediment to marriage in England and Wales, and for giving the authorities the power to delay a marriage where sham is suspected;
working closely with local authorities to ensure that vulnerable people are not forced into marriage; and
reviewing the full right of appeal for family visitor visas, and inviting views on whether there are circumstances (beyond race discrimination and human rights grounds) in which an appeal right should be retained.

详情请查看: http://www.bia.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/newsarticles/2011/july/20-family-migration






family migration 包括T1的dependent么?


这个在homeoffice business plan上已经说了是今年夏天的事儿,预计10月底结束consultation,明年3月前公布结论和具体政策,4-5月份开始实行新政策。
http://transparency.number10.gov.uk/transparency/srp/view-srp/40/54 article 4.3
consultation做了一遍,好长,近50个question :L
许多可能要变的新政策,family route以后也不好走了,2年改5年(这下eea 2和uk spouse平起平坐了):L
打击sham marriage的力度加强,local authority的权力变大并且和ho联合执法力度加大,可以根据自己需要增加手续收费内容,ho会interview某些申请人,主申请人的收入要求会提高,外加住房条件或许会被要求请第三方来视察出证明,刚settle的不可以立即去sponsor其他的人(比如那些自己先假结婚得到settlement后离婚然后在帮自己的原配申请的),取消一些海外直接申请settle的条件(海外居住但已经结婚4年),65岁的dependent调整到66岁并且也要完成5年的probationary period,pbs下的dependent(新t1 investor等人的dependent也要等5年),family visitor转spouse也要先回国申请,family link等criteria要借鉴denmark等国的严格限制条件等,英语测试会被适用到绝大多数人,也许除了听说还要加入读写的内容,
关于article 8 echr的主要是两点(多被非法移民拿来滥用),
一个是加入public interests(foreign criminals),
Question 36: If a foreign national has established a family life in the UK without an entitlement to be here, is it appropriate to expect them to choose between separation from their UK-based spouse or partner or continuing their family life together overseas?
最后还是老一套问是否british citizen,也问了是哪一类的ethnic group :L
48: Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months? Yes, limited a lot
Yes, limited a little
Prefer not to say




关于那个问题,可能是问答题者是不是在重病或残疾的人群里吧。 可能是西方人对这些残疾人的话题很敏感,所以要转着弯地问。以前学过disabled people, people with disability, handicapped people的意思是不同的。


我所知道的是,绝大部分人入籍是因为1. ILR没有安全感, 2. 出国旅游用中国护照很麻烦。




请问,如果实行的话。 那现在已经 拿到了 结婚签证的,那2年之后又要续3年? 又被他们 抢去一次签证费。 ?


