英國公佈初步2011年度的非歐盟工作簽證配額(Migration Advisory Committee報告)

楼上的 我也很想跑 有人想过跑美国吗? 是不是去了 也没办法工作和留下来?

大家为什么这么悲观,我看只要有正式工作所受影响就不会很大,政策打击的的是在英国打十份餐馆工的人。 我们大多数都不是这样浪费时间的吧。

不知道T2 续签需要配额吗? 还是那个cap是针对境外签还是包括境内境外? ahhhhhh, 实在太长了

唉,我在你的帖子回了你,你又来这个帖子了,这里我发的那一句是好几小时前发的,后来才回的你的帖子里的内容 {:5_147:}


用职业来限制 tier 1 续签 比用CAP限制更很。 我看了T2 的LIST,没有任何一项和IT有关的。

T1 续签的同志们来谈谈吧

还没出来呢,不过很可能是 SOC(HE)这个表


全部的工作在 SOC2000里的


10.7 Our suggested limits relate to outof-
country migration through the
Tier 1 General, Resident Labour
Market Test (RLMT), shortage
occupation and intra-company
transfer routes. They exclude
dependants, although we also
model an additional scenario
including dependants: higher limits
would be required if dependants
were included. Our limits also
exclude in-country switchers
and extenders, with the possible exception of those switching from
Tier 2 routes whose previous visa
duration was below 12 months.

我怎么感觉他们的这些建议都是限制需要 entry clearance的,对T1,T2续签的都不限制。



猛一看还以为是这样乐观但往下看对T1 续签的影响还是很大的

9.121 In addition, migrants can score
an additional 5 points for UK
experience, as shown in table 2.5.
However, none of these criteria
take account of the occupation in
which the migrant is employed.
It is conceivable that migrants
could be earning enough to meet
the required threshold by holding
down more than one job in a
low-skilled field. The extension
criteria do not require the migrant
to be in a skilled or highly-skilled
occupation. Particularly in the
context of a limit, we believe that
only those migrants in highly
skilled occupations should be
allowed to extend under Tier 1.
Therefore, we suggest that the
additional requirement to be
employed in a skilled graduatelevel
occupation should be
introduced at Tier 1 extension

T1 续签
9.122 There already exists a potential
list of highly skilled occupations
that could be used by the UK
Border Agency to apply this
requirement. Elias and Purcell
(2004) analysed the 353 4-digit
occupations in the Standard
Occupational Classification
(SOC) 2000 to identify ‘graduate’
occupations. Their analysis looked
at changing qualifications in the
workforce, together with survey
evidence. It also incorporated
more fine-grained information
acquired using the development
of SOC 2000 on behalf of the
Office for National Statistics. In
MAC (2008a) we used this list
of 148 graduate occupations in
order to calibrate our analysis of
occupations skilled to NQF level 3
or above – the current skill level at
which Tier 2 aims. However, two
‘graduate’ occupations failed our
top-down skilled test in that report:
occupations 1224 (Publicans and
managers of licensed premises)
and 4137 (Market research
interviewers) were not included.
Subtracting these two occupations
from the Elias and Purcell’s list
might provide a ready-made list
of graduate jobs that the UK
Border Agency could use to apply
the requirement we suggest
above. Once the new SOC
2010 occupational classification
becomes fully operational in
relevant labour market datasets,
this list may need to be updated.



我有点糊涂了, 那是不是说学生签(中间加psw)10年 永居将不被取消, 不像之前说的2011年就会取消哇?



BBC 和 SKY 还播同样的新闻呢


这样看来 T1 也签不到 也续不了 T2 也几乎不可能。 现在唯一的出路就只剩下10年了。。。 这里有多少人愿意坐等10年学生呢??
