求助帖,收到council tax。之前是以学生的身份住的,之后是visitor居然还要我交税

你这个还是算rent啊,只不过房租是楼主男朋友帮她代付了而已。你住在这个房子里面只有两种情况,own or rent。我觉得楼上的朋友说的对,council tax是针对房子的价值而设定的,你现在里面长住了一个非学生自然是要交钱的。英国是common law,你要是觉得你跟city council打官司能说服得了陪审团能赢的话就去试试咯。不过万一输了的话legal costs,interests就够她喝一壶的了。而且输了的话是铁定遣送回去的。所以我觉得既然楼主担心签证的事情了,那就要给人出点中肯的主意。而不是那种我就是不交,有种你来跟我打官司的这种态度。

不是的。这句话是有法律含义的,这是council在定义这个税是谁的义务。租房子的人就是租房子的人,暂住的人就是暂住的人。暂住的人不对房子的council tax负责。


另外输了为什么遣送回去?又没有违法。council不是执行法律的机构,这个还属于纠纷。输了再交税呗。问题是楼主本身就是旅游签证,不定什么时候就走了。council去告谁去?难道council要帮游客申请居留许可来打官司?难道council要告一个中国的游客,因为他没有交council tax?


我已经跟你解释的很清楚了,两个以上的学生免,一个学生不全免,楼主这个不是针对她的,是针对这个房子的,即使她男友一个人住,也要交一部分council tax,因为楼主跟男朋友的合同还没执行完,又接着住,却没了学生证明,所以就要由楼主交。如果合同执行完了,重新签合同,只他男友一个人住,那剩下的就该房东交。

如果是按照你说的那样,那是他男朋友应该交这个税,但是我们这里的council就不是这样规定的,我以前是学生的时候一个人租住两室一厅的房子,council tax全免。所以要看楼主男朋友所住区域的council的具体规定。

房子的合同是签给楼主的男朋友,所以council tax的前提也是在只有她男朋友一个人的份上判断出来的。那么这个前提是1,她男朋友是学生,2.这个房子只有她男朋友住。所以结论是免税。






常驻人口,即使在一个房子只暂时住一天,这一天他也要交council tax。

游客在房子住半年,也不属于常驻人口,不需要交council tax。








楼主很明显的符合Second automatic UK test

1.24 The second automatic UK test is relevant if you have or had a home in the UK during all or part of the tax year.
1.25 You will meet this test if there is at least 1 period of 91 consecutive days, at least 30 days of which fall in the tax year, when:
 you have a home in the UK in which you spend a sufficient amount of time, and either you:
 have no overseas home, or
 have an overseas home or homes in each of which you are present
(for no matter how short a period) on fewer than 30 days in the tax
year (the permitted amount of time)





楼主是游客,在英国没有家,楼主的家在中国,楼主在中国的家里居住超过30天(因为楼主最多只能在英国停留不超过半年),所以楼主不meet this test.

我们这边的council明确规定 如果2个人入住 有一个人是学生。那只能免25%。学生不用交。另外一个人要交剩下的75%。

根据楼主说的这种情况 他们的council也应该类似的规定, 学生不用交,但另外一个人需要交。而且楼主拿着旅游签证住了半年。

Automatic UK tests
1.22 Subject to not meeting any of the automatic overseas tests, you are
resident in the UK for a tax year if you meet:

只有不符合海外test的人才需要做UK test。楼主很明显符合海外test。所以根本就不需要做UK test。

并且符合sufficient time test。

What is a sufficient amount of time?
1.27 You spend a sufficient amount of time in a UK home if, during the tax year, you are present in that home on at least 30 days.

这个test不光是用来算income tax,也是用来测试一个人是否达到UK Resident的标准。

再给你个hong ling jing的文章:UK Resident | 我们属于英国居民吗 (链接被超级苹果封掉了,可Google一下)



我们现在讨论的是council tax,自然属于税收讨论范畴之内了。


这个规定说明如果你meet oversea test。那就不需要做UK test。然后你就不需要交任何英国的税,包括council tax。

1.1 You will be resident in the UK for a tax year and at all times in that tax
year (although the effect of this rule is relaxed under split year treatment), if
you do not meet any of the automatic overseas tests and:
 you meet 1 of the automatic UK tests, or
 the sufficient ties test.
1.2 You should take the following steps to ascertain your residence status
under the SRT:
Step 1: Consider whether you spent 183 days* in the UK in that tax year. If
you did, you will be resident in the UK. If not:
Step 2: Consider the 3 automatic overseas tests. If you meet 1 of these you
are not UK resident. If you did not:
Step 3: Consider if you meet the second and third UK tests. If you meet 1 of
these, you are UK resident. If you did not:
Step 4: Consider the sufficient ties test. If you meet this you are UK resident,
if you do not meet this, you are not UK resident.

  1. 楼主没有停留超过183天。
  2. 楼主在海外是有家的。所以meet了oversea test。所以不是英国居民。

阁下估计对税务不是很了解,我来帮你解读一下楼主是如何fail掉overseas test的

First automatic overseas test
1.5 You were resident in the UK for 1 or more of the 3 tax years preceding the tax year, and you spend fewer than 16 days in the UK in the tax year. 今年税年她一定住了超过16天了,第一个fail掉。

Second automatic overseas test
1.6 You were resident in the UK for none of the 3 tax years preceding the tax year, and you spend fewer than 46 days in the UK in the tax year. 她之前学生的时候是resident,所以第二个fail掉。

Third automatic overseas test
1.7 You work full-time overseas over the tax year, without any significant breaks during the tax year from overseas work, and:
 you spend fewer than 91 days in the UK in the tax year
 the number of days in the tax year on which you work for more than 3 hours in the UK is less than 31 第三个,楼主打算居住6个月,并且这种情况下是无法在英国海外全职工作的,因此还是fail掉。


have an overseas home or homes in each of which you are present (for no matter how short a period) on fewer than 30 days in the tax year (the permitted amount of time)


楼主,相信你自己有判断能力,我是在英国的全职专业人员,实在看不惯信口开河所以帮你分析了一下,如果你愿意挑战city council请一定要告诉大家最后的结果。我不会再在这个帖子上面跟一个什么都不懂的人浪费时间了。祝好。
