
不用PR,只要有稳定的FULL TIME JOB就可以申请, 很容易, 一般的最多可以贷款年薪的4-5倍


HSBC要求只要有2年以上的工签 ,然后能证明2年后也可以续签就可以了

贷款没还完? 不太明白你是什么意思? 3年后工作签证没办续签吗? 人不打算留在英国了吗?


You’ll need to pay solicitor’s fee or they called it legal fee for various searches on the property you are going to buy, drafting up the mortgage deed etc. Some mortgage products offer free legal fee but it depends on the provider and the rates. Other than legal fee, you’ll also need to pay valuation fee and sometimes arrangement fee.

I would suggest you to go to see a mortgage adviser or a financial adviser to get a second opinion from the bank.

thank you so much for the advise! Which bank would you recommend for this matter? Name a few please!

It doesn’t matter whether it’s the first time or tenth time, stamp duty is payable if your property value is above £125k generally.

However, as the gov is trying to get more first-time buyers on the property ladder, first time buyers do not have to pay stamp duty for purchases less than £250,000 and this started from March 2010 to 2012.

Hope it helps

我是去年初买的. 看房初期我去每个银行要了quote, 就是跟他们说income多少,doposit上限有多少,然后记下每付多少doposit时(如10%,15%,25%或是40%)的rates,每月repayment, early repayment charge,booking fee等各是多少,然后列成一张表回家慢慢比较,而且有了表格后一目了然,容易做决定.

如果银行说你应该没问题,就要一张证明,estate agent可能要看,看你是不是serious buyer. 但要拿到这个,你就一定要做credit check,而做这个太多次会对你不好,所以要认真选择. 还有这个证明银行不是正式的,银行可以在最后收回他们的决定,最终决定取抉于underwriter的决定,通常underwriter一天就能做出决定.

计划买房前最好自己做一个credit check,看自己的credit card(s) 里repayment有多少是属于’late’即是橙色部分,而橙色越少越好.如有负数的account(s)最好付清,saving account里当然越多越好.这都是因为unerwriter在申查你的application时能看到你一切有关你finance的情况的.

看房时一定要经常保持跟estate agents联络:有没有新房上市,有没有别人看了你喜欢的房子,房子卖了都长时间了(时间越长你越可压价),等等.当然你要跟所有estate agents 登记,他们就会随时通知你的.



如果你的visa允许你工作,和你的工作是permanent的(不管是part time/full time)就可以,当然你的visa要够长和renewable.

我的是fixed,因为觉得即使现在的interest rate是历史低位,谁也不知道什么时候回上去,就好像08年的时候大家都没预计到经济/利率/房价会大降.选了fixed就不用担心自己在未来的几年会因为利率上涨产生的额外的支出. 关键是,利率不可能再低,只会涨,问题是when.
