
thank you. could you please point them out?

thank you very much !




最根本的办法就是多交英国朋友。不知楼主听过toast master没有,可以加入,很锻炼口语。

“That’s a good idea to post this in English to start with. ”
It’s a good idea to start with posting this in English.
Posting this in English would be a good idea to begin with.

多和同事聊天之类会有很大帮助,对方是不是native speaker无所谓的,欧洲大陆的很多人英语都接近或者母语水平。跟各种不同的人聊天可以学习到不同的语言习惯,最近开始跟纽约的同事聊天和打电话,看到了不少不同的用词和英国同事常用的不同,感觉挺有趣的。

haha… 谢谢认同~ :cn11:


你这个 comment, 我的一位好朋友也曾经给我指出过呢。呵呵~

Listen to BBC Radio when possible and watch more video news which may help you to be more local.

Ideally, date someone local then you have no other options
I dislike London accent and prefer no accent but that doesnt matters as long as ppl can understand u
How abt join yr co work for drinks and start chatting around ?
you know ppl do feel more relax after a few pints

in case u r not available to date a local, make some local fds



Think like a English native speaker… It works on me.

“Another reason is before I came to the UK, I learnt Japanese but not English.”


你说的两个办法,看电影和native speaker,应该一起进行。仅仅native speaker的话,除非你认识很多人,每个人又花很多时间相处,否则遇到不一样的口音不一样的用语习惯一样晕菜。

之前推荐你看美剧而不是看电影,因为电影只是一集两三个小时,没有连续性。看剧集的话,找感兴趣的看,一般几十集下来,对立面角色的口音用语都会逐渐了解习惯,听习惯了自然就会学着去说了。看剧集别光看剧情,而是要尽量弄清楚每一集每个角色说的每句话,对一些场景怎么去表达,一些习惯用语怎么说,都弄懂后再看几遍,并且试着在聊天时扯到相关话题并学着使用你刚学到的句子或者词汇,加深印象,逐渐积累后就会说了。一套剧集摸得差不多就要花很多时间,建议你找那种比较热的,播放了好几年的那种,最主要是要自己感兴趣,这样才能学进去。因为有时候不是看一边就能记住的,记不住用不出来就看五遍看十遍。等一套剧集摸清后再换一套。如果你能搞定经典剧集3-5套,那你和native speaker没多少差距了,起码乍一听也能唬住人了。


I’m a native Englishman, I would welcome a language exchange with anyone (as I keep saying). Where in London do you work?



Hi , I have an idea. Why don’t we have a group meeting for a debate?

Could you bring some of your friends and anyone here can join the meeting?

Let’s create an English corner and create ‘arguements’ with the current hot topics. Certainly we need to prepare for the debate by reading the news before meeting.

To be fair, we will talk in Chinese sometimes to exchange with you English native speakers.

Is anyone interested?

We can make a meeting once a month and choose a topic and teams before the meeting.


I dislike London accent too. {:5_134:}