
好运 哈。。。。 :cn11:

congrat! u most got the job la…( I used to work as assistant manager over there la)

they only will ask u if they r really interested in u…

i had interview few months ago. they asked the same question.

and also, they will ask u about if u got work on saturday,and it is very busy. how can u keep eyes on all the customers + how u can make all of them feel warm?

Anyway, good luck!!!

congrat! u most got the job la…( I used to work as assistant manager over there la)

they only will ask u if they r really interested in u…

i had interview few months ago. they asked the same question.

and also, they will ask u about if u got work on saturday,and it is very busy. how can u keep eyes on all the customers + how u can make all of them feel warm?

Anyway, good luck!!!


希望如此吧~~还在等 :cn01: :cn13:

good luck :cn02:

:cn08: 可怜的mm还要等,最磨人的感觉了吧,呵呵。

还是我比较善良,interview完直接告诉有戏没戏。。。(当然没戏的只说thank you for coming)。

1个星期左右没有给你答复的话建议打个电话去问问,或者人直接去也ok,死缠烂打也是绝招之一 :cn09:

MM加油,HOHO,应该会得到工作的 :cn08:


:cn08: 可怜的mm还要等,最磨人的感觉了吧,呵呵。

还是我比较善良,interview完直接告诉有戏没戏。。。(当然没戏的只说thank you for coming)。

1个星期左右没有给你答复的话建议打个电话去问问,或者人直接去也ok,死缠烂打也是绝招之一 :cn09:

没准备就去interview的人恐怕只有我了吧 :cn14:

顺便一问,TBS请人不?如果没被录取我准备下,去你那interview吧...嘿嘿 :cn08:

MM继续努力!!成功就在眼前! :cn08:


:cn08: 可怜的mm还要等,最磨人的感觉了吧,呵呵。

还是我比较善良,interview完直接告诉有戏没戏。。。(当然没戏的只说thank you for coming)。

1个星期左右没有给你答复的话建议打个电话去问问,或者人直接去也ok,死缠烂打也是绝招之一 :cn09:

这个到是真的..有时候雇主在犹豫选那个好的...哪个打电话当然哪个上拉 :cn08:

P.S 楼主...偶开玩笑的拉...偶可能不会找你买的拉...因为偶跟你不在同一个国家拉...嘿嘿..