



{:5_137:} 太厉害 太详细了 让好多新人不用走冤枉路 花冤枉钱了

路考怎么报名啊 学了20个小时了 是不是要提前很久才能报名
之前笔试报名 最快的都是一个月之后了


Change your details
Photo not available

Your passport photo cannot be used to renew your driving licence, as you must have a UK passport which is no more than five years old. If you wish to continue with your online application, without renewing your licence, please click on the ‘Next’ button below.

If you wish to renew your licence, then you cannot continue with your online application. For other ways to renew your licence, please use the ‘Other ways of renewing your licence’ link below and then click on the ‘Cancel’ button below to end your online application.




Your passport photo cannot be used to renew your driving licence, as you must have a UK passport which is no more than five years old. If you wish to continue with your online application, without renewing your licence, please click on the ‘Next’ button below.

If you wish to renew your licence, then you cannot continue with your online application. For other ways to renew your licence, please use the ‘Other ways of renewing your licence’ link below and then click on the ‘Cancel’ button below to end your online application.


Your passport photo cannot be used to renew your driving licence, as you must have a UK passport which is no more than five years old. If you wish to continue with your online application, without renewing your licence, please click on the ‘Next’ button below.

If you wish to renew your licence, then you cannot continue with your online application. For other ways to renew your licence, please use the ‘Other ways of renewing your licence’ link below and then click on the ‘Cancel’ button below to end your online application.


你注册那个gateway ID了吗?我刚看了一遍没问题阿!不知道你这个是在哪一步出来的


就在‘UK passport number’这一步,没有护照自然无法填写,直接next之后,就出现我所贴的内容,无法继续online申请了。

强大 受益了

应当全面一些 中国驾照换英国驾照按正常程序并不违法 关键是否对英国的路况法规熟悉, 建议刚来有中国驾照的老手可以上路培训一下,况且中国驾照刚来的是可以使用一年的 ,驾驶一年之后再要考英国驾照本身规定就不合理和逻辑,发贴是驾校的吧.


举手提问,这个Government Gateway ID是用来做什么呢。

