


我能理解你,因为我女儿就是这种。举个简单的例子,她上reception只和她以前nuresery的朋友玩,可人家到了新的地方早就找到新的玩伴儿了。每次她回家和我说,谁谁说了她不是我的朋友了,因为她有新朋友了。我都鼓励她去结识新朋友, half term了好像她也没找到呢。她倒是喜欢去上学,本以为孩子上学了,大人能轻松点,结果新的烦恼又来了。


让小孩从小学会handle rejection也不是件坏事。我觉得你女儿比你tough多了,虽然别人那样让她不爽,但她也没有哭也高高兴兴的去上学。




如果key person不觉得你需要等一年,你也只能听她的

还有,就算key person支持你的决定,council也批准了


I don’t actually agree with you to delay his education; definitely not sending him back to China, as he needs both you and your husband.

I was quite an autistic child when I was little. My mum forced me to play with other kids. I wouldn’t suggest you to do so, as I think it has an adverse effect on me. Some people just don’t like to be popular. There are a lot of things we can do beyond simply being popular. I grew up as who I was, with only a few good friends, a lot of friends to talk to occasionally, but with my own life (this is the most important thing to me). Popularity doesn’t equal to happiness. It all depends on what your boy likes.

I think allowing him to go to school and talk to other kids may make difference. As kids start to show their interests and talents at this stage. He would meet a lot of kids of the same interests as him. Then he would starting talking and playing with them. If you delay it, it’s probably going to be the same next year, as he won’t have met his friends then. One thing about school is that you can let him join after school club/group that he is interested in. He will meet his friends there. Although you may have to spend a lot of time to talk to him, trying to get him to think about other kids, so he will realise how great it is to talk and play with them.

Some kids know how to show off and get attention since little. Some are just watching and waiting to meet his ‘mates’. Hard to say which one is better. So I don’t think you need to worry about too much.

I wasn’t socialised. I don’t even talk to most of my classmate… obviously, I would say hi, but then that’s it…I didn’t know what to talk to them… I turned out to be quite good with research; so I finish my PhD and get a research job. I am not romantic at all; but then I got married to my ‘romantic’ husband who complains about my non-romantic life sometimes. Ironically… we were people’s nightmare when we first met, because we talked too much that our friends needed to wait for us to finish conversation…

My cousin was really popular… she was very sweet; everyone likes her (although she was my nightmare, as my mum talked about her or girls like her all the time) She struggled with her education (and in fact, she had some issues with friendship when she was in the middle school…some girl betrayed her…anyway, normal girl issues.).She found a cashier job in a bank, complaining about her workload sometimes; but she is enjoying her life and attention from her parents and having her second kid now. Why not???

I like my life style, sometime feel jealous when my cousin shows her dinner with the whole family. My cousin enjoys her life with family, and maybe jealous of me being able to do a lot of things she can’t. There is nothing wrong with both of our lives.

My point is that just leave it as it is. I am sure your boy can find his way out. Our generation has been through a lot of Chinese education and decided to not to push kids in terms of academic achievements, but instead to make them ‘happy’. But how do you know your kids’ happiness doesn’t lie on their academic achievements? I think good parenting is not about knowing what you want for your kids, is about knowing what your kids want.

小孩差几个月智力发展是有很大差别的,这已经有很多研究证明了,一般来说大部分孩子需要到13岁以后才能catch up,这样看起来月份小的孩子在考学校时候有点吃亏,但也不一定。

考公立grammar school的时候大部分学校主要考reasoning (verbal reasoning和non verbal reasoning),这个考试主要是考IQ的,为了公平对待所有月份的孩子,reasoning考试的成绩需要“standardized”,就是说给小月份的孩子加分,每3个月一个加分段,这样看起来7月份是比较好的了,在加分最多的一个加分段(6,7,8)里面比较大(当然最划算是6月份):lol 。不过考私校就没办法了,因为私校除了reasoning外还考Maths和English,Maths和English是不加分的。:frowning:







每天做一点点,不多,但天天坚持,和孩子一起当游戏来做,大家都快乐,也就不用说太多。如果让孩子做学校的home work之外的东西而当妈的看电视,那不只孩子感觉unfair,我都认为unfair。:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:





看你这篇英文就知道你的academic achievements一定很棒了!谢谢你写的这些!我非常赞同你说的不要强迫内向的孩子去跟一大群孩子玩,我曾经努力这样尝试过让他去跟孩子群玩,但一直失败,后来看了很多育儿的书,慢慢的放下了对我儿子社交方面的各种焦虑,学着接受他as he is,然后我发现他慢慢的开始和孩子玩了,尤其和熟悉的孩子,慢慢知道做游戏合作了,他也在发展,只是在这方面比外向的孩子慢一步罢了。


Thanks. I can’t type Chinese at work, so I have to bother you with my English. It needs improvements… I am still working on it.

Anyway, there is evidence that being older can be advantageous when it comes to schooling and socialisation in the childhood. Taking one year off can be good for your boy. But I think you may have to be 24/7 for him, in terms of constantly encouraging and thinking about how to encourage him. Such as taking him out to play groups, talking to him, finding out his interests and responses, etc.

Kids at that age either need attention or distraction. Being in the school can be a very good distraction as he is observing and playing with other kids. But if he is staying at home with you, he needs all your attention. But I would certainly suggest you do this in the country he is going to receive education. Some kids take things slowly, particularly those kids don’t appear to be very socialising. They are watching and learning. If you change the environment too quickly when he is still taking rather than showing, his learning trajectory would have a disruption. You might find years after that he doesn’t have much to say about that year (he might even have a lot of complaints about how difficult in the following year).

I am glad what I said was useful to you. Every kid is individually unique. Be careful not to compare him with other kids too much. I am sure your boy will find his way…

其实我觉得楼主的小朋友很聪明, 没有社交问题,这是内敛的性格,挺好的。
我家双宝 (虽然才10个多月), 差的很大, 老大很外向, 和每个人都能玩,不害羞,去nursery不需适应,直接全天。是对新鲜事物很有兴趣,但是持续时间不长。
小宝比较内向,害羞,去nursery 适应了一周才慢慢好的 (那时6个半月),9个月后有分离感,现在每次进去还会不爽。对新事物都有个观察犹豫阶段,看大宝在玩,才会慢慢过去,不过一旦玩起来,他能持续半小时以上。