(更新声明两点)穆斯林租客不走 能拆窗拆门拆墙么?


You must follow strict procedures if you want your tenants to leave your property.

Use ‘standard possession’ if you want your property back because your tenants owe you rent. If your tenant is on Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, you can ask for the rent to be paid directly to you instead. This is known as ‘managed payments’.

You can use ‘accelerated possession’ if you’re not claiming unpaid rent.

You may be guilty of harassing or illegally evicting your tenants if you don’t follow the correct procedures.

There’s a different process to evict tenants in Northern Ireland.

Procedures for different types of tenancy

The exact procedure will depend on the tenancy agreement and its terms.

Assured shorthold tenancies (ASTs)

The 2 types of AST are:
periodic tenancies - these run week-by-week or month-by-month with no fixed end date
fixed-term tenancies - these run for a set amount of time

You must follow a set process if your tenants have an AST.

1.Give your tenants a Section 21 notice to quit. If they’ve broken the terms of the tenancy give them a Section 8 notice of seeking possession specifying which terms they’ve broken.

2.Apply to the court for a standard possession order if your tenants don’t leave by the specified date. You can apply for an accelerated possession order if you’re not claiming any unpaid rent.

3.Apply for a warrant for possession if your tenants still won’t leave - this means bailiffs can remove the tenants from your property.

Excluded tenancies or licences

You don’t have to go to court to evict your tenants if they have an excluded tenancy or licence, eg they live with you.

You only need to give them ‘reasonable notice’ to quit. Reasonable notice usually means the length of the rental payment period, so if your tenants pay rent weekly you can give them one week’s notice. The notice doesn’t have to be in writing.

You can then change the locks on their rooms, even if they still have belongings in there.

Assured and regulated tenancies

If your tenants started their tenancy before 27 February 1997, they might have an assured or regulated tenancy. You’ll then have to follow different rules to evict them and they’ll have increased protection from eviction.

You can get information from Shelter about assured tenancies and regulated tenancies in England.

You can get information from Shelter Cymru about assured tenancies and regulated tenancies in Wales.

Tenants’ possessions

See what you should do if your tenants have left their belongings in your property.



这人证件你看过复印件么? 签证有效么?
去UKBA 告他签证过期,非法居留

When the fixed term ends

Some people assume that the tenancy will end and that if the tenants stay on they will be squatters who can be easily evicted. However you will probably realise that this is very far from the case!

All assured shorthold tenancies will continue, by virtue of a new ‘periodic’ tenancy which will come into place immediately the fixed term ends, under s5 of the Housing Act 1988. So if the fixed term ends on 10 Sept, then the new periodic tenancy will start at about 1 second past midnight on 11 Sept.

The ‘period’ is linked to how the rent is paid. So if the rent is paid monthly, this will be a monthly periodic tenancy and will run on from the 11th of the month to the 10th of the month.

Found this on net.







对阿 {:5_134:}


过了fixed term tenancy就成为了‘periodic’ tenancy,需要1个月notice period。



lz 不是说home buy report里面说房顶需要修一下吗?合同到期前几天,他们还留在那里你就按正常通知给他们说根据report的要求,要检修房顶,给24小时通知,然后让你的装修队给房顶做个检修或者其他,然后可能就不太适合人住了,而合同也到期了,你之前也给他们足够的时间通知了,既然现在发现房子也不适合住,就在合同到期后自动不续了啊……em……不知道lz看明白没?

再不行楼主就弄点猪血抹墙上,看她走不走,反正房子是你的,她能怎么着? {:5_137:}


如果你已经通知了,他们到期不搬,还是通过法院吧。 老实说你不是英国人, 对方又是那种难缠种族和PHD,你自己搞胜算不大,还很容易把自己坑进去。人家存心要赖,你一步没安排好就走岔,不值。

下次吸取教训。我贷款的时候,银行就通知我什么时候租客清了,什么时候贷款下来。碰到那些卖家要求现金的,要当心,很可能就是里面有垃圾。 我就给卖家两个月时间, 虽然他们是很想租金收到交钥匙,最后还是妥协提前让租户搬了,怎么搬的我不管。最后房子空置有两三星期完成所有交易。 反正我有钱,不怕买不到,卖家的屎我可不想沾。

大家气愤可以理解。但是清理房客真的还是有一套程序的。不是气愤就行。不按法律程序的走。只能最后,让清理房客更困难。 {:5_134:}


