
这种事最好面对面谈, 邮件啊短信啊什么的越说越不清楚

房东在新西兰,再说口头说的可以不认账,最好是什么都in writting

谢谢了。我先留着。 {:5_137:}


  1. 检查你的deposit是否被放进了第三方的DPS,就是你搬进去后的一个月内,应该有收到DPS的确认文件。并告知你如何查询你的deposit的情况。如果房东没有放,他是违法,你有权利跟他索取1-3倍的deposit赔偿金。
  2. 请注意,房间内属于房东的物品,正常的日用损耗是不应该被扣钱的。除非房东提供有力证据,说明物品被人为的恶意破坏,比如沙发背烟头烧了很多的洞。但这样他也要提供证据,证明你搬进去之前,沙发是完好无损的。一旦你不同意房东的扣钱举措,而房东又无法提供相应证据,DPS会返还你的全部押金。事情真切发生在我同事身上。
  3. MM记得搬家之前,将房间彻底清扫。可以你们自己做,或者请一个专业的清洁公司。我们之前自己清扫,需要花上2-3天的时间,如果LZ 有宝宝,这点钱还是别省了。清扫后将收据留着,以便作为证据出示给房东和DPS。最好在清扫后,买一个当天的报纸,并将屋子里的所有情况拍照保存,每张照片都要有你买的报纸入境,并把报纸出版日期放在比较明显的位置。(这个动作在你搬进出租屋前,作为checkin,也是需要做的)



She can not deduct money without any good cause. Check the tenancy contract very carefully.
Don’t be scared of her. She got rights, you have rights as well.
Check your tenancy contract, and point out whether she can do that or not!!!

Thank you very much for your information. I am moving out this weekend.
We will clean the flat by ourselves, and will video and take photos after cleaning.
p.s. I have a question. There is mould, fungi and dampness in the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. The flat has dampness problem in the bedroom before I move in, and the landlady has been refusing to fix it. the problem has been spread all over the flat (admit in writing by agency after their inspection). I informed the agency I am not cleaning this. So do you think is it gonna be a reason for the letting agency to deduct the money?
Glad to know that the third party will confirm with me before releasing the deposit!

You are right, but this is only applied to nice and reasonable landlords and landladies. Some landlords and landladies are disgusting!!

Regarding moving out cleaning, check out the tenant agreement to find out what are said about cleaning. If it says "Cleaning to Professional Standard (wet wash carpets, etc, …), don’t waste your time and effort to do the cleaning yourself. Most people can only achieve domestic standard, not professional standard. You may still end up paying for the cleaning.

As for mould, try “Dettol Mould And Mildew Remover 750Ml”, spray over mould and wipe it clean after a few minutes. It is very effective.
Dampness is not your problem.

If the landlord dares to withhold deposit without good justifications, you can simply sue him/her. happy to help.


Thank you very much. Long Ge. I have cleaned the mould a couple of times with the product you recommended. It is indeed very effective!
I have reported this problem (fungi…and mould) several times, the agency blames me every fking time, and eventually they admitted it was due to the dampness from the bedroom. so I am not cleaning it!
The only room with carpet flooring is the bedroom, which we have not been using at all since we moved in (don’t wanna to talk about it any more, f
king disgusting).
I think both the landlady and the letting agency must think I am the f
**** wicked Chinese bi****…>> {:5_139:} {:5_146:} {:5_147:}
Honestly, when we clean, we may do better than the professionals… {:5_142:} {:5_142:}

非常感激你的留言,说的条条在理。 我记下了。 {:5_142:}


{:5_145:} {:5_145:} 我本不是肉的人, 但是在国外呆久了,就越来越肉。可能因为以前比较强硬的时候总是被说aggressive,现在来了英国发现aggressive点是必要的,否则就是被欺负。



They should have provided you with a dehumidifier if they cannot fix the dampness problem in the bedroom.

反正肯定还有跟他们撕一回。:cn10: :cn14:

你可以回复给房东 因为看房给你的生活造成了不便 并且他们有给你足够的时间 ,因此你拒绝今后他的看房 。 你有这个权利的。 你不能制止中介或者房东再给你notice的前提下来检查房子, 但你可以拒绝他show房子给他人/ 你有这个权利 / 别怕 我们就是太好说话了
