如何small money claim告Ryanair

先不说Rynair被曝光了多少次“合法” 揽财,但是人家boss Michael O’Leary自己就是擅长钻各种空子的,下面是当年的老新闻,但可见一斑了

The boss of Ryanair, Michael O’Leary, is a man in a hurry. Such is his impatience with anyone in his way that he paid £4,000 for a taxi licence for his private car, equipped it with a meter and uses it to evade congestion between his Mullingar home and Ryanair’s Dublin airport headquarters.
When challenged on his abuse of this licensing loophole, O’Leary was utterly unapologetic, boasting that the pointless meter showed an average fare of £82 for his journey to work: “Last time I checked this was a democratic republic. As long as I pay my taxes I’m free to do with my money what I like.”

Mr O’Leary uses his personal taxi for trips between his home in Mullingar and Dublin Airport, where Ryanair has its head office.
It lets him skip traffic snarls in the city by using bus lanes at any time of the day.
Taxis, bicycles and on-call emergency vehicles are the only other forms of transport allowed to use bus lanes when they are in force.
Mr O’Leary acquired a taxi licence in 2003, sparking outrage in some quarters.

到了机场不可以用手机online check-in吗?


没有太大用,这件事情5年前就有人状告过Ryan Air了

Ryanair’s policy of fining passengers who fail to print their boarding passes in advance has been ruled illegal in Spain.

A judge has decided the Irish airline must print the documents for free and cannot impose a 40-euro charge at check-in.

Barbara Maria Cordoba Ardao, sitting at a commercial court in Barcelona, said the fines were abusive because aviation law obliges airlines to issue boarding passes.

Ryanair has won its appeal against a Spanish court ruling that declared a 40 euro fee for issuing boarding passes at airport check-in illegal.

The Barcelona appeal court ruled the penalty fee lawful, reversing the finding of a Barcelona commercial court in January which had declared airlines were obliged to issue boarding cards.

话说我上周才从荷兰坐Ryan Air飞英国,感觉这个公司真是廉价到极点了,时间要到了,我们被安排在飞机登机口,门打开了,以为这个时候是可以上去了,才发现这个时候刚刚到达的乘客还没有下来,等了15分钟全部人下完了,马上就放我们进去,就跟赶羊一样的,里面根本没有人打扫。到了英国一落地,空乘马上就在喇叭里面说大家要带着随身的纸屑,一开舱门,又看见下一批回荷兰的乘客在门口等着。感觉坐这公司的飞机就像公交车一样,给他们做飞行员应该非常苦吧。

是的,我看到好多人都是手机显示一个二维码就当boarding pass 刷进去了。


瑞安出名又不是一天两天了, 以前全欧洲廉价航空对随身行李查的最严的就是瑞安了.
结果就是瑞安标准航空箱 {:5_139:}