请教大家投诉或告大公司(edf energy)什么流程,有没有消费者协会,公诉途径之类的?被强行收1万镑的账单,不爽发泄一下。

他们把账单的payment period给换成了我搬入以后的,完全撇开了和前房主的关系 {:5_145:} 幸亏我还有入住时的读表数,在合同上面


刚签了新合同18个月 {:5_145:} 此时违约就真变成我的错了


what was the reading when you moved in? Doesnt matter if you bought or rent, there should be a reading submitted at the time you moved. See if you could find out that in any documents.



你就问他们这么多的电是在哪个时间段消费的, 要他们给你按月的明细账单. 明显要几年消费才能有那么大的帐单.

你这两年不是还另外有付费吗? 就算没付这两年也用不了9千多的电呀, 明显不合理.

发E-mail, 打电话只能浪费时间和精力而且一定把来龙去脉讲清楚。

first, you need to write the letter to EDF and ask all their customer record under your title, regarding to the law, they have obligation to give you all your bill, all letter/invoice they have sent you before, so you can have evidence. 2nd, after you have all evidence, you can make the formal complaint to EDF and expecting their feedback within 10 working days. 3rd, if no one reply you within 10 working days, please check this website and make the formal complaint. https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/. they are government who control all energy company. Writing email to them should be really powerful than any other government department
