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爸爸带孩子本身当然天经地义,但爸爸用General Visitor Visa带孩子就有问题了,而且问题还很大,因为签证类型与签证目的不符。

2、你强调什么工作不工作也是见版上老有家长被拒签因为说来照顾孙子才人云亦云的吧?visitor并非不能做child minder的,只要满足6个基本条件近亲是绝绝对对可以大大方方地说我就是来照顾小孩的!至少楼主的老公就符合vat24的做temporary child minder的条件。


楼主要是再申请一次General Visitor Visa,在新申请里提到怀孕即将生产,而且还提交NHS的信件证明怀孕。。。当然了,100%我是不敢说,但99.999%还是有的。。。最后的结果嘛,在护照里多个拒签章。。。而已。。。



Unless it is paid, I cannot see any reason why 爸爸带孩子 is not unpaid work.


Types of Unpaid Work

Unpaid Domestic Work
Unpaid domestic work is all the unpaid work done within the home other than caring for children and family members. This primarily includes cleaning and maintaining the home.

Unpaid Care Work
Unpaid care work is the care a person provides to their own family and household members.

大姨妈了啊?看看前面高人回复的,他爹能不能做child minder

他爹当然能做child minder,但用General Visitor Visa做child minder就有问题了,而且问题还很大,因为签证类型与签证目的不符。

楼上ukelvin就是说visitor也是可以拿general visitor visa来做child minder的,只要满足以下六个条件。

VAT24.1 When can a person seeking entry as a child minder qualify as a visitor?
It is acceptable for visitors to act as a temporary child minder for relatives where:

1the applicant is a close relative of one of the child’s parents, for example, parent, brother, sister, in-law. (More distant relatives are acceptable only if they have formed part of the family unit overseas or are the closest surviving relatives of the parent);
2neither parent is able to supervise the daytime care of the child;
3it is not simply an arrangement to enable both parents to take gainful employment (that is, the arrangement should be to help in a temporary situation only);
4neither parent is in a category leading to settlement;
5the applicant will not receive a salary (except provision of board, accommodation and pocket money);
6the applicant intends to remain in the UK for not more than 6 months.



单单你列出的第4点就 排除了 父母任何一方 已入籍、永居、T-1高技术移民、T-2工签 等情况,因为这些都lead to settlement。楼主原文已明确说明她有永居,根本不符合条件。

满足这第4点的,我能想到的也就父母双方都是 T-4学生签、旅游签等情况。就算满足了这第4点,你又怎么证明第3点这只是一个temporary的安排呢?就算你费个大劲又证明了这只是一个temporary的安排,他们就一定满足第1、2、5、6点吗?


很显然楼主已ILR/British,不属于Route lead to the settlement.至于是否temp也很简单的,楼主自己都说只是回来生产而非长居。很多时候eco/cw审理申请的时候需要的只是一句解释,而非切实的证据。
另外最重要的是不明白为何要纠结是否工作,为了避免麻烦,只要cover letter中提到是来陪伴妻子和访问即将出生的baby而丝毫不提look after,像我之前所说很多明摆着的事儿,你自己不去做实他们根本不能用“我怀疑,我觉得”去拒签的,也就是只要资金住宿等重要问题解决好,就没办法拒签!

ILR毫无疑问属于Route lead to the settlement,离开英国超过两年都会被取消的


Yes, ILR is settlement, so it is definitely a route lead to the settlement.

已永居就已经settle了,所以并不是‘lead’ to settle,亲,刚好适合她这个情况。第4条只是为了不增加其他签证持有人成为新settlement的数量,她已经settlement了。

贴这个规定只是为了说明你道听途说来的‘visitor 不能带小孩’是不对的。所以我的引用是有意义的。



亲,General Visitor Visa根本就不能settlement,所以不会出现因为没有第4条而出现你所谓的“增加其他签证持有人成为新settlement的数量”的情况,所以你的理解是错误的,呵呵

亲,您想想,如果连lead to settle都不可以,难道已经settle的就反而可以了?这是神马逻辑?


先想明白‘lead to’是什么意思吧。

lead to


导致 cause, lead to, result, bring about, create
引起 cause, lead to, give rise to, arouse, incite, beget
招致 lead to, incur, invite, beget, induce, court
引出 lead to, elicit, extract, draw forth
通 communicate, connect, notify, lead to, open up, clear out
酿 brew, ferment, lead to, brew up, result, make wine