
Boiler servicing: a checklist
Boiler Servicing: A Checklist
Regular boiler servicing is vital to ensure that your boiler is running safely and efficiently. Poorly maintained or faulty boilers present a serious health risk to you and your family, because they can cause fatal carbon monoxide poisoning.
This checklist explains what to expect from a British Gas boiler service.
When should I arrange a service?
Arrange a British Gas boiler service at least once a year to ensure your boiler is operating properly at all times.
Most people choose to have their boiler serviced in winter, when it is used the most. You may want to take this into account when booking your appointment – it may be worthwhile booking your service in advance or in a different season, such as summer.
How do I arrange a service?
If you are already a British Gas customer, you can simply log in to your account to book online or on your smartphone, or you can call us on 0800 980 6004.
If you are not a British Gas customer, you can still book our engineers for a service. Call us on 0800 084 1864 to speak to one of our friendly customer service advisers.

如果找到了不安全隐患,你不把它解决掉,BRITISH GAS 停止BOILER SERVICE 是非常负责的做法,换个不讲就的人完全可以继续收费SERVICE 然后继续告诉你,同样的问题你需要解决。
但是问题出现后,SERVICE的人只有通知跟建议, 至于是否换件还是换锅炉,以及谁来做, 完全取决于你自己。
这个不光是在锅炉方面, 包括其它例如车,MOT, SERVICE ,包括 电 等等 。 都是一样的。

这样我打一个比方, 房子需要做电检查, RCD 不合格, 需要换新的, 电线不对, 包括测试没通过, 会给一份详细的说明,什么什么不合格, 什么什么需要换, 等等。你可以让任何一家公司给你报价,
第二年, 又找我测试, 我一看上次的需要修复,以及换的东西, 一样没动, 直接走人。 理由是上次已经做过测试, 不合格,没有改进没有必要浪费时间于金钱! 可能会收最低标准的费用。但是会对客户说, 如果之前的没有改进, 我不会再来做测试, 一样的道理,至于换不换CONSUMER BOX 完全取决于客户,当然去年还都是塑料的, 今年规定都需要换铁的了, 第一种换RCD可能只需要几十磅,就是一个人工3-5分钟,第二种可能需要花几百磅。 跟换不换锅炉差不多, 但是换个CONSUMER BOX 我的利润大大滴, 换个RCD 也就是个功夫钱, 没啥可说的。

测试的人, 只负责找出安全隐患, 确保安全使用!

BRITISH GAS 测试的人, 或者其它岗位的人, 基本上来说都是专业的, 检查锅炉就是专门检查锅炉的, 安装锅炉就是专业安装锅炉的, 他们干什么是有明确的分工的,理论上来讲,应该绝对专业。他们安装电表的,只安装电表别的都不干, 换CONSUMER BOX 的就是专门换的, 绝对专业,没有什么可怀疑的。当然垃圾的工人, 可能100个里面有那么一个,也说不好就被谁碰见了, 就像在公园里踩狗屎一样。
What do British Gas engineers do during a boiler service?
Our engineer will inspect your boiler and controls to make sure they are operating safely.
The inspection will include checking your boiler for corrosion and leaks.
Your boiler casing will be removed to check the functioning of its main components.
A gas pressure check will ensure your boiler is operating at the correct gas pressure.
A flue test will ensure that no unsafe emissions are being released from your boiler.
Your boiler’s parts will be cleaned as required.
Your boiler’s casing will be put back on and properly sealed.
Our engineer will leave a checklist with you including all of the relevant information you need about the safety of your boiler.

What will a boiler service cost?
British Gas offers competitive prices for boiler servicing. Customers who choose HomeCare cover from British Gas have an annual boiler service included in their cover. This means that HomeCare customers pay no additional fees for a service.

大哥,我知道你平日忙,我白天还不在家,是不是需要我站在家里的锅炉旁给你打电话好一些? 您什么时间比较方便?我一般晚上7-8点才到家,那时候您方便么?谢谢。

How expensive, you can nealy buy a new one boiler



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