


我还见过20-30米塔上室外天线不用螺栓固定, 用尼龙绳捆了几个月才被发现的呢 {:5_133:}
塔下就是business park里常见的那种钢结构简易房
第一眼看到照片真心被吓死了, {:5_145:}
第二反应就是查查尼龙绳哪家出的, 以后就买他们家的了

NHS 接生孩子致残还要赔偿上百万英镑??

我朋友小孩被产钳弄断胳膊屁都没有, 幸好现在没有后遗症.

上海那个其实设施还是很全的, 只不过基本全是老人家
又没有相关培训, 否则不会造成那么大伤亡

赔偿那些都是致残的,照顾一个人一辈子上百万不奇怪,说实话没有那个父母会想要那个钱 。

经验丰富 {:5_142:}



已经发生火灾快2天了, 英国是世界上安全规范最健全的国家之一, 如果外墙没有安规才是见了鬼呢。 随便翻了一下 BSI 标准

BS 8414-1:2015
Fire performance of external cladding systems. Test method for non-loadbearing external cladding systems applied to the masonry face of a building

2015年的新版本,就在那里。 居然就没有一个部门,没有一个人提及这个。 外墙材料拿来, 看看招标书,投标书,质检证明报告,不就解决了?

英国国家标准局 BSI 在2016年 4月 还出了一份外墙装饰板火灾评估报告, 如下链接

采用的测试系统如图, 下方是木笼模拟楼下单元火灾,火苗冒出。 主要检测火苗通过外墙装饰板,多长时间融化楼上的 双层玻璃,导致火苗进入上层。


The conclusions are:
• In all three experiments the double-glazing panels failed. Failures in glazing, such as those which occurred during these experiments, provide a potential route for external fire spread from one flat to another regardless of the design of the external façade.
The “fire resisting” and “Class B-s2,d0” panels performed in similar manner; in both experiments the glazing failed but the panels remained intact for the duration of the fire.
• The non-fire rated, “Class 3” panel became involved in the fire before the failure of the glazing and later burnt through. This early involvement of the panel appears to have contributed to the severity of conditions imposed on the glazing by introducing a flame source directly beneath it and in direct contact with it. This increased severity then caused the glazing to fail under conditions which appeared less severe than would otherwise have been the case.
It should be noted that there were several limitations to this programme of work namely:
• Only spandrel panels i.e. single components of a system and not entire systems were assessed.
• Only one type of non-fire rated double glazing was assessed and it is recognised that there are several different types of glazing used in multi-storey buildings. This would need to be addressed by separate experimental work.
• The experiments were carried out under laboratory controlled conditions. Environmental factors such as wind conditions were not part of this work and these can change the dynamics of a fire.
Overall, the findings from this research show that there is a clear and demonstrable need to ensure that buildings are designed and constructed so that the fire spread across the external surface and within the external façade is inhibited, as required by the Building Regulations. There is adequate guidance available in the public domain to allow this to be achieved.

我的理解就是,1)英国建筑标准 BS8414 规定, 外墙装饰板,必须本身阻燃。
2) 楼下着火,即使外墙装饰板阻燃,仍然可以烧穿楼上玻璃, 但是外墙板不应该燃烧。
3)BS8414 仅测试了阻燃外墙板。 没有测试过外墙板包铝膜的燃烧情况。
4) 2009年中央电视台配楼火灾结论, 火灾中铝膜起到了助燃的作用。 铝膜燃烧熔点1200度, 超过了里面阻燃rock wool 600度燃点。


有兴趣的朋友可以 youtube 找 BS8414 测试的视频。



这效率我也是醉了。 三天前我就查到英国相关标准出来了, 前几天的媒体主旋律一直说这种不阻燃材料在英国合法的,承包商没做错。 那么后续这几个承包商肯定是刑事责任,没跑了。 Council 发标签字的, 施工监理,都要判刑。



