[伦敦] 初夏解暑~美味的冰淇淋


只吃过Oddono’s ,很好吃啊,比什么哈根达斯强多了。

regent st上,靠近“国家地理”那里有一家店,蛋糕和冰激凌都很好吃,经常很多人在店外拍照。LG带去的,之后就推荐给好多朋友,都说很好吃

SNOG 呵呵 喜歡喜歡

there’s a cafe seeling icecream in south molton st. can’t remember the name, but near Browns, the pistacho & yogurt are both very nice, not too sweet {:5_142:}

Freggo’s @ Swallow St, right behind national geographic.
chain ice cream shop from Argentina.

do u mean jeff de bruges?

can’t remember the name…:frowning:
