

想请教一下您,您的朋友是如何知道他们考CFA是98%? 可能我孤陋寡闻了,分数一般不都是分为3个RANGE的?

并不是非要进投行或者非要不进投行。虽然很多人说投行的光环可能是“OVERSTATED” 但是作为金融行业里面的top, 还是想要感受一下那个氛围的。不过,对于长久的工作发展来说,找到适合自己的还是最明智的。谢谢你的建议。:)

谢谢,very happy to hear that companies are so paying attention to their employees’ professional development. :slight_smile:
wish you the best in your career. :slight_smile:

CFA绝对有用,不过学校和成绩才是最有用的,不知道美国Ivy league school在英国效应怎么样


CFA score over 98%??? That is a lie…CFA institute never, never, never disclose the actual score on each level. Noboday ever really knows the pass score for each year. Whoever told you they scored over 98% on their CFA exam :1 That person is lying and never took the exam. 2. That person is full of it.

That is if you fail level 1, it tells you the band.



I am not saying you are lying. I am telling you that your friend is lying to you. Nobody know his/her actual score on the CFA exam. Please visit www.cfainstitute.org. You will see that CFA institute has never disclosed its pass score in its entire history. Therefore, if somebody is telling you “I score 98% on my CFA exam”, that tell you two possible thing, 1)he/she is lying to you 2)he/she has never taken the CFA exam. I am not doubting that you friend works in some financial institution in HK. If he keeps telling that to other people, that is a CFA suspension offense.