





那只是取消连续5年工签 签证换永居,读上几年书加上几年工签还是可以混上10年的永居的呀,只要工签算在十年里不被取消的话,不是都可以的吗


好像只提了Tier2 是不是意味着Tier1应该不受影响

We will be consulting, however, on whether Tier 1 exceptional talent migrants should have an automatic route to settlement and whether we should remove the ability of all Tier 1 migrants to apply for further leave to remain after five years in the UK.
那个42页的pdf写的详细些,比如4.10 部分说以后T1如果不让续签了就会产生一小部分人凑不够5年(所以对于他们settlement名存实亡)。
还有就是如果不让续签了,有criminal record需要spent的话就难了


Now we
intend to embark on a more radical overhaul
of the settlement rules to break the automatic
link between coming to work and staying
permanently. We propose to apply these new
settlement criteria to those entering Tiers 1
and 2 from April 2011

也就是说今年4月之前拿到Tier 1/2的应该不受到这个影响了吧


The consultation will run for three months, until 9 September and we will announce our firm
plans in due course. As the Home Secretary announced in February, we intend the
settlement reforms will affect those workers who entered economic migration routes under
the Immigration Rules in force from 6 April this year and who, under the current system,
could have expected to apply for settlement in 2016
. The timing of reforms to Tier 5 and
the overseas domestic worker routes will depend on the outcome of consultation, but we
would anticipate them taking effect during 2012.


不是吧 什么时候说T1不给续签了呀?那现在拿T1的人之后就没得可续了?

大家团结起来一起给home office发电子邮件 [email protected]
凭什么我们把最好的青春都贡献给英国,叫了那么多税,那么多national insurance,他们榨干了我们最好的时间就要把我们赶走????national insurance交了我们如果也享受不到养老凭什么让我们交?还要不给外国人看病!英国政府穷疯了吗???大家集体去跟他们发邮件,讲道理,他们这样搞更竞争不过美国了,懂不懂brain drain啊,哪有他们这么干的啊???


写了一小段,供大家参考,大家也都去argue argue吧,当年PSW不就是这样又拖多了一年吗?

The consultation papers give me an impression that the UK government now would like to attract the best talents to come to work in the UK for a few years and then to return to their home country or to go to somewhere else. It would be fantastic for the British citizens to import the exceptional foreign talent and intellect for a few years while collecting the foreign workers’ income tax and national insurance without any social insurance obligations. The problem is that I cannot figure out how this is “attractive” in the eyes of skilled workers. Please allow me to assume that the “talent” wanted here is rational and rational people do expect their reward to be proportional to their contributions. To take into account of the fact that these workers would lose a few years that they could have spent in their home country building their career path and network and contributing to a social insurance programme they could enjoy after they retire, the UK employers would have to pay higher salary to compete for these talent. This will hurt the competitiveness and earning power of employers, which counteracts the purpose of stimulating the economy. But if these workers are allowed to apply for settlement after they genuinely have contributed to the UK economy, they probably would rank the UK more attractive in their long-term planning rather than considering the UK merely an option for temporary work experience and would expect salary in line with their British colleagues. Talents, immigration control and corporate earnings (and therefore the general economy) reminds me of the old saying “You can’t have the cake and eat it.”

:cn01:请问这个申请永久居留是限制工签么? 跟英国人结婚的签证两年后还可以申请永久居留? 请大家解答下

the exaggerating promise of immigration control in the manifesto greatly helped tory during the election and now it has painfully made them shoot themselves in the foot since it is almost impossible to accomplish the set target without taking some drastic measures. as someone said, the current government only welcomes ‘Nobel prize winners and rich investors’ but the question is: Will they come ?

as to the family route,according to home office business plan, the next consultation will be taking place around Jul-Oct this year with the results and new measurements to be announced afterwards, but the implementation of new rules will not take place before Apr 2012. the rumour has it that criterias such as language requirements and spouse visa length might be further scrutinised and extended. it is expected to be widely questioned and challenged because the marriage method has been UK immigration’s soft spot for so long after all.


