kpmg, pwc从application 到accepting offer


我申请的是business recovery, 他们会深入问news或者clients那些7788的问题吗?我的意思是不断拓展分支问题。谢谢楼主,你答的好详细,爱你!



a, 我明白了。 这样吧,你知道business recovery主要是做什么的么? 主要的clients有那些么?然后你觉得现在market 里面表现的差的industry是哪些么?中间有逆流而上的个例么? 如果有,为什么他们会比别人表现的好(operational?liquidity?contingency palnning?)。想清楚这些问题后,你应该可以回答pwc的technical questions.最好准备3~4个specific business case, 因为你是做business recovery 的, 可以特别考虑bank的case, 因为现在很多bank都有问题,rbs- loss-taking strategy and exposure to eurozone toxic assets, llyods-profitability problems, dexia-just being bailout… 然后general news你其实只需要知道euro debt crisis - caused by credit easing+gov’t & private debt level+trade imbalance+political impotence, impacts- dropping export for most eu countries, slows global growth rate, trigger tighter regulation, reducing capital market activities which casue business going bust(which is good for pwc’s recovery service as it gains new clients) 我3周前电面的,大概45分钟,主要问题如下(可能记不太清楚了 )

career aspiration

why pwc? why actuarial? why hrc?

commercial awareness

a recent piece of news that may affect pwc.

agile minds

an example when you had to change your approach

an example when someone work in a different style than you. (followup: after you talked to him/her, what’s his response? what are your response? what’s the outcome? )

team work

example of leading a team. (you can drop some problems you had, dunt describe in much details tho. she/he will probably be led to ask you followup question on how you solve those problems)

managing budget

an example when you had to manage a budget.


an example when you refused to breach the code of conduct( basically , an example when you didnt bend by external force to do the wrong thing)

client service

an example you satisfied a client’s needs

我总结了一下,你不需要很大的example的,小小的事情都可以拿来举例。 明天good luck


lz申请的是graduate programme在伦敦吗?

不用谢不用谢!记住不要说太快了,把notes摆在桌上到时候可以照着念。小抄是王道, 哈哈。

不是,我不想去伦敦,因为工资什么的不会高很多但是livin cost不是一般的高。

我的一个在erginburgh(low transportation cost),一个在reading(transportation link)

actuarial team, 恭喜恭喜





会哦。比如说她问你,current news interest you.你说euro debt crisis, which started with a little local difficulty in greece now has spread out to all eu countries. 然后她可以问,the cause of the crisis?或者她也可以问,the impact of it on the uk/pwc? 然后她还可以问do you think there’s any feasible solutions ?

在比如说,她问你business doing badly, 你说rim, 最近经历了ceo 换人, 然后market share rapidly drop in the states。 然后她可以问why there’s change of senior management/ what factors resulted in the poor performance. 然后她还可以问what pwc can help them with。 (当然你可以自己就提到这一点,运用star技巧)

当然你不需要cover太广了,特别是只有以晚上时间,最好把其他competence都弄熟比较妥。pwc是hr来问你,所以她也是have abs no idea what you talking about,你的business case里面有错误都不用怕,只要说得有道理就好!



不要这么想。。。我要是强的话以前就可以进man group, ibd之类的了。。。我本身条件也是限制很多,研究生的时候又放弃了oxford这个金字招牌。所以不要现在就放弃啊!我也找了近5月的工作。也是慢慢成长的。

我就不是。。。我是数学的同志。 成绩只要2。1 都很好说话,2.2 之类的都可以的(当然要给好理由)我的学校也不是oxbridge lse之流的。

apparently you need to reaaally good excuse for not achieving a 2:1, otherwise the application is automatically blocked by the system

oh and bwt I’ve been with KPMG for more than 2 years now, doing audit based in cambridge.
I must say i’m getting really bored of audit now (who doesn’t?) and wish to do a secondment within kpmg in another service line. Pension actuarial should be more interesting, at least in my office tax department has a much lower staff turnover rate

学数学的就是不一样 就算不是名校