


还是去学校的student office 找相关的人问清楚比较好,一般都有学生签证服务的



Suspension, deferral, withdrawal, course transfer and early course completion can all have an impact on your visa. If you stop studying you should seek advice and notify your employer immediately as your working entitlement could be affected. Changes to your studies may also affect the visas of any dependants you have in the UK and their permission to work here.

Suspension of studies
If you suspend your studies for personal or academic reasons then the Home Office would usually expect you to return to your home country unless you are not medically able to do so.

If you are suspending for maternity or paternity leave, email the Student Immigration team to check whether you can remain in the UK and find out how your Tier 4 Student visa will be affected.
If you hold a Tier 4 Student visa issued using a CAS number, the University is obliged to report your suspension to the UKBA who may cut your visa length short.
The University will contact you by email to discuss any unusual circumstances before a report is made to the UKBA and in some cases a report may not be required. If a report is made to the UKBA, then you would need to leave the UK. When you are ready to return to resume your studies, you will need to apply for a new CAS number and student visa in your home country.

The University’s report to the Home Office and your visa curtailment will impact on your right to work in the UK as well as that of your Tier 4 Student dependants. If your suspension has been reported, you will therefore need to advise your employer that you have ceased studying.

If you would like advice before proceeding with your suspension, email Student Immigration outlining the length of time you intend to suspend and the reason for doing so.

Students who suspend their studies should be aware of the time limit on degree level studies in the UK. This limits the number of years students can spend studying at degree level in the UK on a student visa. Although the Home Office has suggested that “compelling and compassionate circumstances” will be taken into account when calculating the time limit, we cannot guarantee that any time spent on suspension would not be included in the time limit.



汗,ho当然管,visa是他们granted的,好不!。student visa是让你来学习的,不是让你来这边旅游,工作,玩etc。

如果大家都不上学,逗留一年, 社会安全就有隐患咯;P



你要联系学校的international student office,如果你有特殊情况必须留在学校,学校愿意继续sponsor你的visa你才能留在这里,不然就必须在规定的时间离境。我去年申请的,因为是要生孩子,我是在预产期前几周才休学,并且partner也在英国。我没有办法在规定的时间离境。学校觉得我的理由正当,愿意继续sponsor我的visa。

抱歉打扰您。我在别的帖子上看到您关于学校curtail T4学生签证的内容,学校要求你在60天内离境,如果是已经超过60天后,可以买机票回国吗?会对以后申请英国短期学生签证产生影响吗?对申请其他的发达国家签证有影响吗?抱歉问您这么多问题了,希望您百忙中能回复一下。 谢谢您了

抱歉打扰您。我在别的帖子上看到您关于学校curtail T4学生签证的内容,学校要求你在60天内离境,如果是已经超过60天后,可以买机票回国吗?会对以后申请英国短期学生签证产生影响吗?对申请其他的发达国家签证有影响吗?抱歉问您这么多问题了,希望您百忙中能回复一下。 谢谢您了

抱歉打扰您。我在别的帖子上看到您关于学校curtail T4学生签证的内容,学校要求你在60天内离境,如果是已经超过60天后,可以买机票回国吗?会对以后申请英国短期学生签证产生影响吗?对申请其他的发达国家签证有影响吗?抱歉问您这么多问题了,希望您百忙中能回复一下。 谢谢您了


超过60天后,依然可以买机票回国。 但是你没有按照学校给定的时间离境,可能会被认定是逾期滞留。取决于你滞留的时间长短和理由,很大程度上会对未来的签证造成不良影响。如果这个纪录英国分享给其他有互通信息的国家,那么会对你其他国家的签证申请有影响。建议你按期离境。



抱歉打扰您。我在别的帖子上看到您关于学校curtail T4学生签证的内容,学校要求你在60天内离境,如果是已经超过60天后,可以买机票回国吗?会对以后申请英国短期学生签证产生影响吗?对申请其他的发达国家签证有影响吗?抱歉问您这么多问题了,希望您百忙中能回复一下。 谢谢:pray:您了