买房时律师告诉我lease plan缺页


最近在买房子,看上一个council房,已经到了律师处理的阶段,今天收到律师的一个邮件,他说卖方律师提供的lease plan中的一页有缺失,他已经尝试联系卖方律师解决,但是对方无法提供缺失的那一页,只能用一个bespoke indemnity policy加在合同里,请问这样的房子问题大吗?可以买吗?


Unfortunately, they are unable to provide us with the missing page of the lease or the lease plan. She states that the seller is happy to pay for an indemnity policy as a result. I will obtain a bespoke indemnity policy to cover this issue. Although indemnity insurance is an acceptable resolution to this defect, I must advise you that it may not be acceptable to future sellers if you do indeed decide to sell in the future.



据我看别的论坛上看的结果,好像indemnity insurance是一个比较common的方法

Deed of Variation是否是另外的解决办法?

The indemnity insurance will cover future buyers and future lenders. I do not anticipate you having to pay anything further for the indemnity insurance if you decide to sell in the future. The policies from this particular provider usually include and inflation protection clause which means cover increases over time to reflect the increase in market value. I believe their increases can go up to 200% of the original cover amount.
我还是比较怀疑这个insurance靠谱么?还是Deed of Variation靠谱?

没有解决办法,劝你别买了,卖不掉后果很严重, 止损吧, 比以后为难好,反正换作我是不会买.
