John lewis return收据找不到了,退货退丢了

在John lewis买了俩包,退回去的时候可能寄丢了?用的是他们的free return。我收据也没留。然后他们就回我这个,咋整?这情况我能问collect+要到收据吗?我连哪天都不记得了
It looks from our notes here that you have set up this Collect+ collection yourself. As such, we would not be able to obtain any kind of receipt or tracking information on your behalf due to security issues. We must ask you to contact Collect+ in order to obtain a copy of the receipt or tracking information. Once you have this, please send it on to us as an image attached to your reply in either JPG or PDF format.

如果你能记得那天几点在哪个collect+的网点寄出的包裹, 尝试联系一下网点试试能不能看到机器打单记录, 要搞清楚collect+的return tracking number是John Lewis的Free Return Label 上面已经pre-book好了的还是拿去网店扫面以后才产生的啊? 如果不是pre booked的, 你又丢了receipt, 网点又查不到, 那你就当逛街丢了两个包呗…
